Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Listing Psychiatric Medicine At Doctor

It’s really embarrassing when I have to go to a new doctor for the first time, other than a psychologist or psychiatrist, and they ask me: “what medications are you on?”

And I have to give them a huge laundry list of psychiatric medications, then after that I give them the medicines for the side effects of the psychiatric medications. It’s just a really long list, and it doesn’t look good. I want to be like “that’s all. You see, it’s not that much.” It’s humiliating.

Then they start asking questions like: “Are you bipolar”. I have to answer: “yes”. Do ask do you suffer from major depression? I have to answer “yes? They ask: “have you ever been hospitalized?” I have to answer “yes.” Then they ask for what reasons have you been hospitalized? I have to say “for psychiatric reasons.”

It’s just never ending. And it’s so embarrassing. You feel like they’re looking at you like you’re crazy. You feel like you’re almost being judged. Again, it’s just embarrassing.

Filmed May 27, 2015.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Contrasting Mini Golf Viewpoints, Dad, Mom, And Step Dad

During my middle school years (and earlier), I would play the game known as mini golf quite frequently. One time I played mini golf with my dad and it was raining. Well we had to stop playing (due to rain), so my dad decided to keep the balls and mini golf clubs in the trunk of his car so we could play again another day. He said that was OK, and it wasn’t stealing since we paid for a game. After getting more use out of the equipment which was another day, then he returned the clubs and balls. To him it was getting his money’s worth, not stealing since he returned it.

Well AFTER playing mini golf with my dad, in middle school I went with my mom and step dad to play mini golf. After the game was over, I wanted to keep my ball. I liked the color blue, and didn’t think it was a big deal. Well to my surprise, my mom and step dad yelled at me, and said that was stealing. They made me march up to the guy behind the counter, apologize, and return the ball.

Looking back, sure what I was trying to do was wrong. Keeping that ball would have been stealing. I’m glad my mom and step-dad made me return the ball. However, did my father steal? He kept the balls and clubs. Sure EVENTUALLY he returned them, and didn’t keep them permanently… but what if one day they ran out of balls and clubs?

Photographs taken August 2, 2001.