Saturday, April 30, 2022

Some Posts (04 27 2022 - 04 30 2022)

April 27, 2022:

Post 01:

To Elon Musk: Bring back New Coke while you're at it. I actually tried New Coke in 2019 during a 1980s throwback television TV show cross promotion. New Coke actually taste better than Coca-Cola classic, but everybody was horrified they were changing an American tradition. Nobody likes change.

April 28, 2022:

Post 01:

I had dinner with male childhood friends tonight for the first time in a while. It wasn't exactly a date with my dream girlfriend. But my brain feels less frustrated and happy tonight. I guess it proves any socialization is better than solitude.

April 29, 2022:

Post 01:

When I graduated high school in 2005 - 2011, I don't think people really know how bad it was. Even if I tried to explain I'd sound like I'm exaggerating. You think it couldn't be that bad. It's worse than you can even imagine. And there's no proof or documentation of the horror.

Post 02:

I think I'm dying. My thyroid has been hurting again. Though, the sonogram said it was ok and bloodwork said it slightly high. My brain has been hurting, forgetful, and my stomach and my prostate have been hurting. I'm afraid I have cancer and I'm dying after years of HELL!

Post 03:

Something's wrong. I'm certain I'm sick and dying. Time is running out for me. I'm afraid I'll have never enjoyed my life. It was almost all pain and suffering. Was I delt bad hand genetically? Did sadistic monsters do it to me? Did I do it to myself? No matter what, it's ending!

April 30, 2022:

Post 01:

My mother was cleaning my apartment today, while wearing a COVID-19 mask she was breathing like she was dath vader. She was doing it intentionally. Telling me I was tortured, she wants me to turn to the dark side, and come back with a vengeance. If I adressed it she'd gaslight me

Post 02:

If I mentioned my mother's darth vader breathing to Dr. Natural he'd say it's "predicate logic." My mother wasn't telling me through a metaphor she tortured me and wants me to seek vengeance. She'd deny it, my psychiatrist would call me "crazy. I KNOW she knew what she was doing.

April 30, 2022

April 30, 2022:

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Some Posts (04 27 2022)

Post 01:

A grudge, vengeance, and anger ruin your life and waste time. Sometimes when somebody hurts us badly it's easy to become obsessed with vengeance and consumed by anger, but it makes you unhappy and ruins your life. Don't be filled with hate. Find somebody and share love.

Post 02:

I can't take the solitude, stress, and frustration anymore. It feels like my brain is going to explode. I'm not talking about severe mental health challenges. What I'm talking about is something life-threatening, like an aneurysm or brain cancer. My brain is in excruciating pain.

Post 03:

I don't want to go back to the Fountain House because I'm scared of the crime in New York City. Even if I'm anxious, I'm told through solitude my mental health is being assaulted. Really anything where there's people and I could have human interaction is what I need to do.

Post 04:

Some ideas of things I could do to live life. Reach out to the comedy clubs, take an acting class, maybe Central Nassau Guidance, a job like Whole Foods or Starbucks. Anything where there's people around and I'm not alone in my head in a fantasyland is better than what I'm doing.

Post 05:

I tell Dr. Natural everything. But he can't live with me and control my life like Dr. Eugene Landy and Brian Wilson. It's my responsibility to take action based on what he says.

Post 06:

You'll meet people by putting yourself in socal situations. And maybe a dream girlfriend. Alone at home you'll meet nobody.

Post 07:

I really want to meet a girlfriend. Want very badly. I'm extremely frustrated. I'm not going to meet anybody staying home solitary. Give up the daydream world, live in the real world like Joanne Greenberg in the novel "I Never Promised You a Rose Garden."

Meds (04 27 2022)

Meds (04 27 2022):

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Some Posts (04/25/2022 - 04/26/2022)

April 25, 2022:

Post 01:

I desperately need human interaction. My solitude, stress, and frustration are so bad. My brain is in excruciating pain. I'm afraid I'll get an aneurysm or brain cancer. It's that bad. I NEED to leave my fantasyland and have human interaction in the real world as much as possible

Post 02:

I bought these organic pickles from the supermarket. They must've been sitting there a while because there was dust on the top of the lid. I got a paper towel with water and cleaned it. A brownish color got on the paper towel. Not sure what it was, but getting contamination fears

Post 03:

The brown substance that came off the lid of the organic pickles was probably related to the dust on top of it. It was likely sitting there a while. It wasn't blood. No psychopath was contaminating it. Stop daydreaming. Stop worrying. Let it go.

Post 04:

I hate when people work out next to me on the treadmill. Some big guy got on the treadmill beside me and a big gust of wind blew from him, his towel, and gym equipment into my face. I'm trying to remind myself this is not a contamination risk. Most likely he doesn't even have HIV.

Post 05:

I have a big skin tag / peeling open cut on my chest. Immediately after the gym, after touching the spray cleaner and lots of stuff at the gym, I scratched my chest through my shirt. The skin tag / open cut hurt. My hands were dirty from gym. Is this an HIV contamination risk?

Post 06:

My brain is and has been in excruciating pain from social isolation, stress, and frustration. Nobody is doing it to me besides me. Maybe I could use an intervention. But nobody is watching me waste my life, suffer, and getting pleasure from it. Getting a life is my responsibility

Post 07:

I really need a friend who is a woman to hug and love RIGHT THIS SECOND. Sending out an S.O.S. on social media is not my ticket to finding my soulmate. My brain is on fire, leaving isolation and having interactions in the REAL WORLD is how my mind will get moistened with pleasure

Post 08:

If somebody doesn't moisten my mind as soon as possible I'm afraid I'm going to develop something life-threatening, if I haven't already. I need pleasure and to feel happiness. This solitude is unnatural. My mind is feeling intense, brain on fire, pain and suffering. Can't focus.

Post 09:

My mom wants a cleaning crew to clean my apartment monthly again. My apartment isn't as dirty as she thinks. She was smelling the sauce from the healthy choice TV dinner in the sink. I really don't want people, like a cleaning lady, alone in my apartment. I'd rather clean myself.

Post 10:

Hey Elon Musk, bring Donald Trump back. His Twitter return tweets and comments about President Biden should be hilarious.

Post 11:

Hey Elon Musk, I think you should really change the video upload process, use TikTok as the guide. Accept videos 3 minutes or less and accept all formats of videos. At the moment, I have to convert my videos and they have to be about 2 minutes and 17 seconds. It's a real pain.

April 26, 2022:

Post 01:

Elon Musk should make it not so easy to accidently like a post on the Twitter app. I've been months deep in people's pages, there's really no reason for me to be on their page, and I accidentally like one of their posts. It's really cringe-worthy. I wish there was a warning.

Post 02:

Remember that skin tag, open cut on my chest that I was telling you about yesterday. When I took my shirt off after the gym, I noticed my chest was bloody. I must have scratched it. Is scratching an open bloody cut with gym hands a contamination risk? Or just relax don't worry?

Post 03:

After my shower, as you can see, my chest is bloody because I scratched open a skin tag with dirty gym hands when I was working out on the treadmill. It is what it is. Don't worry about contamination. Where is the HIV coming from? It's very unlikely anything happened.

Post 04:

I had minimal fun with girlfriends and friends growing up. Most of my childhood, early adulthood, and best years were spent alone, deprived of fun. With my luck, I'd get HIV by accidentally scratching my chest at the gym, then would be single for the rest of my life with no life.

Post 05:

My Mom said don't worry about HIV. You don't get HIV from scratching yourself and bleeding at the gym. She said I could get MRSA, though. So clean and cover the open wound.

Artwork (04 26 2022)

My Brain Is On Fire From Social Isolation (04 26 2022):

Shine Like The Sun (04 26 2022):

Son Of The Sun (My Dads Coloring) (04 26 2022)

Son Of The Sun (My Dads Coloring) (04 26 2022):

Monday, April 25, 2022

My Father Really Raped Me

I'm coming to a realization my father (Robert Koloski) metaphorically "murdered" me during the divorce circa 1999 (my middle school years)

Not that there's anything I can do about it now, but he intentionally had me get sexually abused and raped to horrify, traumatize, and "murder" me.

Then he cut me out of his life and started a new family.

When I tried telling my mother and stepfather, they didn't believe it. They called it mental illness. My father came back around and pretended like he didn't do it. My mother has no clue.

EVERYTHING, ALL MY PROBLEMS, losing self-esteem, getting bullied by the other children, living in a fantasyland, severe mental illness, wasted time... it all comes from his torture.  

There's nothing I can do about his rape and sexual abuse because there's no proof. But I'm starting to realize it's no delusion, it's TRUE!

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Some Posts (04/23/2022 - 04/24/2022)

April 23, 2022:

Post 01:

People ask me how I'm doing. I say, "I'm good." But to be honest, I need more human interaction and try live in the real world. But it's just easier to say "good." Nobody wants to be your therapist.

Post 02:

Things that used to upset me and make me feel horrible I'm numb to now. Just numb to everything. Maybe I just need friends to help me feel again. Depression, stress, and frustration in a fantasyland are making me not a human. It sucks.

April 24, 2022:

Post 01:

Advice I'd like to give to people for performances and anything really, don't be afraid to embarrass yourself, don't be afraid to make your artwork "cringe." Keep practicing. Then when you get good, you'll be even more epic because you won't be afraid of taking epic risks.

Post 02:

If it was up to me, I would stop seeing my psychopharmacologist and come off all my psychiatric medication. It's my mom who's forcing me to take it. She doesn't want me off. What was taking a mega regimen even doing for me besides killing me? On lower doses I'm much healthier.

Post 03:

It's good to question authority and I feel like the psychopharmacologist had some bullshit opinion on how the medications were "helping me." My mother thought the medications were "helping me." From first hand experience, I see they were killing me, giving me a chemical lobotomy.

Post 04:

If you go into a psychopharmacologist appointment he'll want to medicate. He'll tell you how the medications are helping you. The doctor probably even believes they're helping and not killing you. But what you're experiencing is very different from what he's saying they're doing.

Post 05:

After I completed my treadmill workout, some guy got on my treadmill. I asked him if he wanted me to wipe it down. He said do what you got to do and he moved to another treadmill. So I wiped it down. I'm worried about contamination. But really there's nothing to worry about here.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Some Posts (04/19/2022 - 04/23/2022)

April 19, 2022:

Post 01:

My mother says extremely racist and prejudice things constantly. It's so gross. And who the hell is she? People could say really nasty and critical things about her. Trust me! The behavior and mindset isn't appealing. It just makes people look at her like she's so gross.

Post 02:

People wonder why didn't the plant grow? It's easy to blame the plant. But I personally think the environment is to blame. It's the soil, it's not getting enough water, the plant can't grow where it is. But let's put the plant on a mega regimen of psychiatric medication.

April 20, 2022:

Post 01:

It's not quite time for spring/summer clothes where I am in New York. Today was a little chilly. I can't wait for the warm weather to be here. But I can't rush the seasons. It'll be here in a week or so, then the warmth will remain for the next 6 months, but not quite yet in NY.

April 21, 2022:

Post 01:

It's absolutely absurd that I'm dependent on my parents. I'm a genius and my artwork glistens. So somebody free me from this hellish prison. End this pain and suffering. Let's make the billion dollar movie right now because I don't want to be dependent on my parents anymore.

Post 02:

Mike Love was advertised to me on social media because I always make The Beach Boys and Brian Wilson posts. But Mike Love sucks. I'm not a fan of his! Now I keep talking about God and saying how I'm atheist. Social media thinks I'll like and is advertising Joel Osteen.

April 22, 2022:

Post 01:

I learned when people hurt you, no friends or family are going to defend you or sick up for you. I just internalized everything. You need to do it yourself. Take action. Don't be afraid to standup to bullies. Because nobody cares about the pain and suffering you're put through.

Post 02:

Somebody tell me the truth. Did my father start another family? Do I have half-siblings that I don't know exist? My father cut me out, pretended I didn't exist, bullied me, inflicted severe anxiety. Stop daydreaming before my imagination turns real. He only has two kids - I'm one.

Post 03:

Although I've been doing better with the OCD, I just got a contamination fear. As I was entering the shower, I bashed my shin and gave myself a cut and bruise on my leg. Then I touched the cut with gym hands. Just let it go and don't worry. This is not how you get HIV.

Post 04:

The unimaginable stress and frustration I'm living through isn't funny. It's going to kill me, if it hasn't given me cancer already. I needed friends and love. The MONSTERS watched me waste my life, pour my best years down the drain, and go insane. I hate them so much for it.

Post 05:

I wasn't always this crazy, rage-filled, wanting vengeance. Years of trauma, pain, and suffering wiped the smile and happiness from my face and eyes. The MONSTERS wanted to ruin my life. Of course I'm going to get blamed for being the "insane" one. Their torture drove me nuts.

Post 06:

I'm afraid I have dementia or some form of brain damage. I'm trying not to worry, and be natural without the Exelon medication, but I'll just be thinking about something, forget, then can't remember what it was 30 seconds later. This isn't normal. Something is wrong. Whatever.

April 23, 2022:

Post 01:

Behind the jokes I'm a very sad man who wants to be loved. I got bullied in middle and high school. Became very sick with mental health challenges. I'm looking for genuine friends. No bullies. But nobody wants to love me. I'm not as scary as I seem. I'm an extremely kind person.

Post 02:

You can't make somebody something they're not. When people show you their true colors - believe them. Don't get lead along hoping they'll change and love you. Sometimes it's better to be alone than be with someone who is a bully to you.

Post 03:

I've gotten to the point where I'm so unimpressed with everyone and everything. It's not just lowest common denominator entertainers either like wrestlers, actors, and pop stars. Even if the richest man in the world wanted to talk to me, I'm so dead inside, I wouldn't care.

Post 04:

I'm trying to think who would actually impress me if I met them, some billionaire who's had minimal suffering really wouldn't. Maybe a North Korean defector who has gone through unimaginable horror, that's a person I'd want to be friends with and would make me starstruck.

Post 05:

While walking on the treadmill, the woman next to me accidentally knocked her water bottle onto my treadmill belt and I stepped on it. It is what it is. It's not a contamination risk. I just stepped on plastic that might have a little saliva on it. It's nothing life-changing.

Post 06:

As you can see from this photo, I have a cut on my hand. I just worked out at the gym, touched a lot there. Then I went to the supermarket, touched a lot of stuff there. Don't worry about HIV contamination. Somebody with literally have to bleed blood into me. No risk. Right?

Post 07:

My mother calls me up just to scream at me for no reason. I'm passive. Say nothing. She wants to rile me up and get me crazy. She's not actually upset. It's abusive. I think she has narcissistic personality disorder and she wants me to be this disabled adult child loser.

Post 08:

My mother screams at me for no reason and gets pleasure from abusing me and driving me crazy. Then if I react after being silent by punching a wall, I get blamed for her abuse and get my medication increased. I need to get far away from her. She can be an abusive monster at times.

Post 09:

I'm in hell and I need somebody to save me!

Artwork (04 23 2022)

Unimpressed With Everyone And Everything (04 23 2022):

Anime Magical Girl (04 23 2022):

Green Bunny, In North Korea (My Moms Coloring) (04 23 2022)

Green Bunny, In North Korea (My Moms Coloring) (04 23 2022):

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Unsolved Murder (Stepfather)

The following is probably a delusional daydream:


I spent time with my family today and we were talking about this murder on the news.

I said how they'll catch him because it's impossible to get away with murder.

My stepdad was getting so uncomfortable, behaving so suspicious that it was almost surreal. THIS IS NOT A DELUSIONAL DAYDREAM. His behavior was so weird, that it was like he was confessing he got away with murder.

If he did... I'm sure it'd from many years ago, though. Currently, I'm sure my stepdad is fine. He's not killing anybody present day.


After seeing my stepfather behave beyond suspicious when the topic of getting away with murder was brought up, it makes me wonder if from 2005 to 2011 if he was trying to intentionally kill me. Yes, I was self-destructive, overexercising, and harming myself back then. But maybe he was creating a facade, was really trying to sadistically bully me and murder me - although it would've looked like I did it to myself.

I Am The Champion, Winner (04 20 2022)

I Am The Champion, Winner (04 20 2022):

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

How did she dry my arm?

When the phlebotomist wiped my arm when she was drawing blood earlier this morning, the alcohol swab wet my arm and wasn't dry. I'm trying to remember if she dried it with the cotton pad or if she did it with her breath. Obviously, I'm catastrophizing her saliva got into my blood now HIV and she did it intentionally to bully me because I was being a germaphobe. To be honest, I don't remember how she dried it. She was probably professional. Let it go and don't worry. This is MOST LIKELY a scared delusional daydream. Why would she want to kill me?

Some Posts (04/18/2022 - 04/19/2022)

April 18, 2022:

Post 01:

I'm looking at an 18-year-old woman on TikTok. While she's of age and there would be no legal issue if we started dating, I'm in my mid-thirties and am much too old for her. She's cute, we have trauma and mental health issues in common, and if she started talking to me I'd reply.

Post 02:

While college-age girls look beautiful, I'm better off sticking to women in their late 20s or 30s. There's nothing wrong with age-gap relationships if people are in love, but I'd likely have more in common with someone about my age. I'm hoping my dream girlfriend comes along soon.

Post 03:

Who am I kidding? If a beautiful college-age woman was interested in me while I was single, we connected on an intellectual level, I'd certainly give her the time of day for a date. But most beautiful college-age women aren't interested in a disabled adult child in his mid-30s.

Post 04:

I need to believe in myself more. I'm such a badass. Anybody who would dump me because they think someone else is superior to me is making a huge mistake. While I'm certainly not perfect, I'm the coolest person on planet Earth. They're not going to find somebody better than me.

Post 05:

There's no animosity or negative feelings, in fact many people from my past I still care about and maybe they're a better match with their new partner. But I'm a rock and roller who should be dating supermodels. I'm aiming for the top of the food chain. I'll climb the mountain.

Post 06:

Some people are incompatible as lovers and that's okay. You can still care about them. Maybe you both know down deep we're both better off with somebody else. Don't lie to yourself. Accept it. And you can still be friends and love them. But don't waste time if there's no future.

April 19, 2022:

Post 01:

Can someday save me? Why does nobody want to be my friend? Why are they allowing this solitude and suffering to continue? Yes, bullies and trauma hurt me. At this point I need to take responsibility for pouring my life down the drain. Nobody is doing it to me besides me.

Post 02:

I just did blood work. I had an unpleasant experience. At first I questioned the woman about not changing her gloves and being unsanitary because I am a germaphobe. She was peeved and said she knows what she's doing and was going to. And she proceeded to change her gloves.

Post 03:

Second unpleasant part of the blood test today, when she stuck me the blood wasn't coming out right away. The needle just stuck in my arm and no blood was coming out.

This is all so overwhelming and driving my OCD wild.

Just let it go and don't worry. There's no contamination.

Post 04:

The phlebotomist was really annoyed when I questioned her. I apologized and told her I'm a germaphobe. But it was really one of the worst blood tests I've ever done. Just remember there was no contamination. Kiss it up to God and relax.

Post 05:

My mother seems to feel the reason the phlebotomist couldn't get blood out of my arm is because I was dehydrated. I went out of my way not to eat or drink anything this morning, and that includes water. So my blood was coming out extremely thick and slow. Now I know DRINK WATER!

Post 06:

My father doesn't let me know anything about his life. He doesn't tell me anything about himself. He doesn't ask me questions about my life. He just talks about pro wrestling, rock music, and superheroes. Who cares? I'm so much greater than that childish sensational entertainment

Post 07:

I think my father is talking to me about this childish entertainment intentionally to be a bully. He trying to annoy, anger, and peeve me. If he's not going to take an interest in my life or share anything about his life I should simply have nothing to do with him.

Post 08:

It's like my father is blown away by Cody Rhodes and Veer Mahaan. He talks to me like they're superior to me. He's fascinated by them. Interested in them. He couldn't care less about me. Meanwhile, my artwork is so much greater. It's absurd like he's just trying to make me angry.

Post 09:

It's kind of absurd. The friend and family member everybody thought of as a loser and didn't value - me... I came back with determination and am going to make myself a massive success. I'll be so much more successful than the people they truly respected. Maybe that motivated me.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Some Posts (04/12/2022 - 04/18/2022)

April 12, 2022:

Post 01:

I need a friend badly. I need help. Somebody I see in real life. I'm not sure what to do.

Post 02:

I suffer from severe mental health challenges and I'm living in a fantasyland. But friendship and socialization is the key to good mental health. Isolation will continue to keep me sick. Basically, I just want a friend. Somebody to talk to. Unfortunately, I feel traumatized.

Post 03:

I'm so depressed and traumatized, don't relate to anyone or anything. I desperately need a friend and this is kind of an SOS. I'm not expecting it to work. Maybe going to mental health recovery groups is a better idea. Crying for friends on the internet is going into a void.

Post 04:

Because I am financially dependent on my parents, more specifically my mother, I feel like I don't have freedom. I just want this nightmare to finally come to an end, I want freedom and independence. After all I suffered, I deserve a good life for the remainder of my life.

April 16, 2022:

Post 01:

I can get emotional and start crying for no reason. I have even started crying because of sad daydream that aren't real but become real in my mind (delusions).

Post 02:

My mom can be so high energy, even at 10:30 pm. She's not even being mean, she just called me up very hyper, and started ranting to me about Easter. I listened for a minute or two then nicely said I'm tired and going to bed. But I'm THINKING shut up, I don't care, leave me alone.

Post 03:

Thank God I now have my own apartment to escape my mom and stepdad's high energy madness. They're not evil. They want the best from me. But being around them is like trying to keep my head above water to simply survive. I never talk to them anymore and want to be left alone.

Post 04:

When I'm around my mom and stepdad I start to panic. It's like chaos, walking on eggshells. I was home all day long with them, with no friends, money, or life, alone in my head, in a daydream world. It was hell!

Isolation and no human contact is healthier than that nightmare.

Post 05:

I'm such an evolved next level talent. I see people in their early 20's just starting out in their life journey. I was like you. Yes, I had a lot of natural talent, but I kept working hard, practicing everyday, and now I can create an epic video or social media post effortlessly.

Post 06:

How did I get to be so good? It's all I did every single day, year, after year, after year. That's how!

April 17, 2022:

Post 01:

For somebody who has a very sharp and intelligent mind, my brain is also fried from years of poor mental health, stress, frustration, and taking a mega regimen of psychiatric medication. I have cognitive functioning issues that are extremely frustrating. I'm trying to be natural.

April 18, 2022:

Post 01:

I feel rage and want to EXPLODE. Sadly, I'm dependent, have no power, and have to stay passive. It's like I'm playing dead. But I'm fully aware they're mistreating me and the injustices affect me but I suppress it. When I get power over them the truth is I want vengeance.

Post 02:

I've been neglecting to brush my teeth. I don't brush my teeth in the morning, just once at night and have been forgetting to do it recently. My teeth were hurting. I was thinking: did I brush them? Just as I was thinking that, I saw a social media post that said brush your teeth.

Post 03:

I started daydream the social media post that said brush your teeth was a reminder to me, don't forget to brush your teeth, you don't want cavities, you want healthy teeth.

How did she know I was neglecting to do so?

Remind myself the social media post has nothing to do with me.

Post 04:

It's important to remember there are no cameras set up in my apartment. My parents aren't secretly developing a Hollywood reality documentary about me with a high quality camera that I'm unaware of. It's just kind of common sense that I probably am neglecting to brush my teeth.

Post 05:

I'm at TGI Fridays. I just brushed my teeth before coming here. How long before gums are aren't bloody anymore? Because I want to eat a steak and fill up my belly but I'm getting contamination fears. Don't worry, eat, and have fun. There's no risk.

April 18, 2022

April 18, 2022:

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Giving Me Cancer

I think my mother is saying how she gave me skin cancer because I was outside walking a good portion of the day. She was willfully blind. The straw is her drooling, saying how she got sadistic pleasure from "murdering me." And I can't prove she was intentionally giving me cancer.

Mom's Facade

There was never any reason for me to take Isentress and Truvada in January 2020. I think my mother was trying to "kill me" while creating the facade that she was trying to help me. She's a monster behind her loving mother's mask.