Thursday, September 30, 2021

Some Posts (09/27/2021 - 09/30/2021)

September 27, 2021:

Post 01:

My drawings aren't "good", but they're honest, child-like, relate to mental health, and express how I'm feeling. It's my own style.

My drawing ability has improved since 2018. Practice makes perfect. Maybe I should take a drawing class for fun and continue my improvement.

September 28, 2021:

Post 01:

I was carrying around a bag in NYC today. I placed it on train seats, on subway floor, at the psychosocial clubhouse, it went EVERYWHERE with me. I noticed the bag gave me two big scratches on my arm. Is there any contamination fear I have to worry about? Is it an HIV risk?

Post 02:

I'm having contamination fears from being in New York City today. It's a feeling of being corrupted with HIV, now my life has changed forever. I don't know what the contaminant is, the object keeps changing. Let it go. I showered. I haven't acquired anything life-threatening.

September 29, 2021:

Post 01:

I'd like to make a crystal clear I hit nobody with my car. If I did, I would know. But tonight I hit a pothole, my car dipped down, and I'm afraid. Although there's no way, I want to go back and check the location. I'm afraid of jail. Life and happiness coming to an abrupt end.

Post 02:

My psychopharmacologist is strongly encouraging me to take Vraylar. I'm very reluctant. I don't want to be on any other meds. If anything, I want to come down. Mental illness, psychiatric medication, and everything involved is such a nightmare. If you don't struggle you're lucky.

I've been reluctant to start Vraylar for months, maybe years now. It's a hardcore antipsychotic drug. I'm on two other ones at the moment, Latuda and Invega. Vraylar it's meant to replace them in the end. But while I transition I'll be on 3 at once. That's why reluctant to start.

Post 03:

The carrot man (from my artwork) started out as The Carrot Family. A Wonderland, child-like, fantasy universe that's a little disturbing. It's also represented Syd Barrett from Pink Floyd. Lastly, it's represented me. It's a daydream world creature. There's many carrot men, there's not just one.

September 30, 2021:

Post 01:

I don't know why I even call my mom. I wanted to tell her I have a best friend who I love, am selling my artwork, things are finally getting good after years of hell. All she wanted to talk about is herself and how much she hates my dad.

Post 02:

When I tell my mom about my recent accomplishments, she's like a parent who asks a child who scores a 96% on a school test: "What happened to the other four points?"

She's not happy for my success, isn't empathetic about the hell I lived though. She tells me how we have no money.

Post 03:

I could shine like the sun, have billions of dollars from selling artwork, and it still wouldn't be good enough for my mom. She'd be unimpressed and critical of my work... But she'd happy for her easy life. Rather then seek vengeance, be happy with myself, and don't focus on her.

Post 04:

I don't understand why my dad is rude to restaurant waiters. It means he's not a nice person. I told him how our family is friendly with the lady who works at the Chinese restaurant around the corner. Now I'm associated with him. He proceeds to act like a jerk. It was intentional.

Post 05:

Dr. Natural asked: "Andrew Are you OK? I sense more distress/agitation in these pictures than is typically the case for you?"

I said to him: "No need to worry. I'm ok."

People might think I'm doing poorly, but I've actually had a good few days. But who knows? I'm always sick.

Post 06:

I feel like even when I'm doing well mentally, I'm still sick and doing poorly mentally. I've never been 100% healthy. Hell, I have never been 70% healthy. Maybe 69%.

Will I ever have complete peace and calmness where my past problems feel So Far Away (like the song by Staind)?

Post 07:

I witnessed a violent incident at the psychosocial clubhouse I go to. A man smashed a vase after screaming and shouting. It was frightening, makes me afraid for my safety, and reluctant to return. What if he had a weapon? What if he got physical with another person? Scary!

Post 08:

Although there's no security or metal detector at the psychosocial clubhouse, I think more security would be a good thing. I know don't assume mentally ill people are more violent, it creates an atmosphere of fear, not family... But what if somebody enters with a weapon?

Post 09:

To be perfectly honest, I wouldn't even go to the psychosocial clubhouse if my BFF didn't keep pushing me. I'm afraid sooner or later something bad is going to happen and I don't want to be there when it does.

Post 10:

I feel unsafe everywhere, don't relate to people, am constantly alone in my head. I've made progress since August 2019, have met friends, become more social. Get tough. Get confident. The world isn't a warzone. The world isn't a scary place.

Post 11:

It's good to be a risk-taker and rule-bender, but also be safe and smart. If you go into a terrible neighborhood, the likelihood you'll be the victim of violent crime is MUCH GREATER than if you're in the middle-class suburbs. I want to walk on the wild side but also want safety.

Artwork (09 30 2021)

Mask (09 30 2021):

I See So, WASH, Ahhhh! (09 30 2021):

I'm A Super Star (09 30 2021):

Alternative Flag (My Dads Coloring) (09 30 2021)

Alternative Flag (My Dads Coloring) (09 30 2021):

Jones Beach (09 30 2021)

Jones Beach (09 30 2021):

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Artwork (09 28 2021)

Contamination Fears, Restroom (09 28 2021):

Contamination Fears, Red Paint, Blood (09 28 2021):

Super BFF (09 28 2021):

I'm So Tired (09 28 2021):

I'm Not A Monster (09 28 2021):

The Yorkie (09 28 2021):

Crying, Don't Forget (09 28 2021):

Monday, September 27, 2021

Artwork (09 27 2021)

Andrew's Self-Portrait (09 27 2021):

Who Is It?, The Watcher, Internet Avatar (09 27 2021):

The Yorkie (09 27 2021):

BFF, Here To Save You (My Moms Coloring) (09 27 2021)

BFF, Here To Save You (My Moms Coloring) (09 27 2021):

The Face (09 08 2021)

I noticed my Hepatitis B Antibodies were reactive on my blood test. My mother and I were freaking out. I drew "The Face" while being in a state of hell, thinking I'm Hepatitis B positive... Then I discovered it's because I'm vaccinated, I'm immune, I have good bloodwork.

Andrew's Self-Portrait AKA Man (08 07 2018) and It's Me (11 15 2018)

Andrew's Self-Portrait AKA Man (08 07 2018):

It's Me (11 15 2018):

Some Posts (09/25/2021 - 09/27/2021)

September 25, 2021:

Post 01:

While I was walking by the Port Authority Buss Terminal in NYC, where lots of sketchy people hang out, a car drove past me and dirt and gravel blew in my eye. I'm worried about HIV.

Post 02:

Then when I got to the Fountain House in Hell's Kitchen NYC (which wasn't open)... I was in a small bathroom at a nearby restaurant, and this sketchy man was brushing his teeth in the small restroom. So I didn't wash my hands before going to the bathroom. I'm afraid of HIV.

September 26, 2021:

Post 01:

Yesterday, I had a very fun day with friends. I like everybody. There's no animosity. Something that grossed me out, though, was a woman was sticking her fork in my food after I offered to share. I'm a germophobe, who gets contamination fears... Let it go. Everything's ok.

Post 02:

If someone's aggressive with me... I'm very passive. I don't assert myself. I'm very chill, laid back, not a lot phases me. I don't want any problems, don't like fights, don't like confrontation. I want to feel safe and sound. If you like me, I'll like you.

September 27, 2021:

Post 01:

People might assume I'm loud and aggressive. If you ever met me in real life, you'd be shocked how mellow I actually am. I'm low-key, passive, constantly daydreaming, and don't talk much. Cell Waters' my "The Hulk" alter ego to let out my frustrations to feel validated and heard.

Post 02:

I wouldn't stand up for myself when I was getting bullied at school.

At home, I felt unheard by my parents.

In public, I'm passive and don't assert myself.

On the internet, as Cell Waters, I'm loud, sensational, and aggressive like "The Hulk." It's not like me in real life.

Post 03:

I feel vulnerable, unsafe, afraid. I daydream about a secret admirer fairy tale, where my soulmate arrives, a Cinderella Story, rags to riches, happy ending, everything is great now. The truth is nobody is my female knight in shining armor. I have to save myself from this hell.

Post 04:

I'm constantly whining, complaining, crying, acting like a victim. I have suffered tremendously. But I have made a lot of progress since August 2019 and life is OK now. I'm more independent from mommy, have real-life friends now (not pop superstar daydreams), next step is a job.

Mask (09 27 2021)

Mask (09 27 2021):

Sunday, September 26, 2021