Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Listing Psychiatric Medicine At Doctor

It’s really embarrassing when I have to go to a new doctor for the first time, other than a psychologist or psychiatrist, and they ask me: “what medications are you on?”

And I have to give them a huge laundry list of psychiatric medications, then after that I give them the medicines for the side effects of the psychiatric medications. It’s just a really long list, and it doesn’t look good. I want to be like “that’s all. You see, it’s not that much.” It’s humiliating.

Then they start asking questions like: “Are you bipolar”. I have to answer: “yes”. Do ask do you suffer from major depression? I have to answer “yes? They ask: “have you ever been hospitalized?” I have to answer “yes.” Then they ask for what reasons have you been hospitalized? I have to say “for psychiatric reasons.”

It’s just never ending. And it’s so embarrassing. You feel like they’re looking at you like you’re crazy. You feel like you’re almost being judged. Again, it’s just embarrassing.

Filmed May 27, 2015.