Superhero Movie

There's a huge superhero movie obsession in Hollywood, here's my idea for an Avengers-like parody:
Remember, the movie is meant to be comedic and absurd. But it'll also make legitimate points about society. It's not a complete goof like Austin Powers.

To start the movie, the "Donald Trump" character can win the presidential election by going on sensational rants on Twitter. Sort of like what happened, but exaggerated so it's absurd. He'll call other politicians "Low Energy Jeb", "Mommas Boy Alex", "Can't Beat Me Up, Ronnie" (childish nicknames). He'll bully his way into office.

Matt Hardy will be a WWE professional wrestler in ordinary life - but a superhero in secret - similar to BROKEN Matt Hardy from Impact Wrestling. He'll be rich, living at The Hardy Compound (like Batman).
The same is true for Lady Gaga. She's a pop superstar - but on the sly she has superpowers.
There can be other superheroes too. (Like "The Avengers")
Relying on them is the Presidents last resort, but he's aware of their power.

Unbeknownst to "The Avengers", there's a YouTube poster who's making sensational, attention-grabbing videos to go viral at the expense of facts and accuracy. His name is Andrew Sanders.

He's a Robin Hood character (and the Sanders last name comes from Bernie Sanders since he's an underdog socialist). 

His videos villainize capitalism, the rich, and famous. He talks about the poor like they're heroes. 

Andrew will start as a victim wronged by society. He'll gain followers through the internet, will have the Cult of Personality. He'll go on crazy Dictators like rants. Society will view him as a righteous super good guy - since his posts speak to the lower and middle class. He exposes the flaws of capitalism.

Andrew will become POWERFUL, then he'll turn into a Thanos-like supervillain, mad with power, like a dictator of a horrible country.

Around this time, he'll get an INTENSE Darth Vader-like theme that plays when he's on the screen (Star Wars).

Andrew will convince the middle class to change the finances in America, make the wealthy poor, and the poor wealthy (swap roles). This will cause chaos. (It's my "Thanos Snap".)

Everyone in society becomes scared of Andrew Sanders - he has a police squad that follows him everywhere. If you don't agree with Andrew Sanders, he takes your money away.

The Robin Hood character that millions wanted to follow and believe in is corrupted when he gets powerful.

The "Donald Trump" character, Matt Hardy, and Lady Gaga are on the streets begging for change. While the dregs of society are occupying their mansions (now rich). 

Areas that are normally known from being high crime ghettos (East New York, South Side Chicago), have the lowest crime in their existence when they're occupied by the "rich"... but the rich slowly start to descend into criminals. While the poor are seemingly happy with their riches. But slowly the "poor" become corrupt.

Andrew Sanders loves the chaos that follows "the snap".

CNN and MSNBC cover Andrew Sanders like he's a hero, a savior to our society:
Today our magnificent leader, Andrew Sanders, took money away from more corrupt middle-class citizens. Thank God for the magnificent leader!

While Fox News acts like he's the worst dictator to ever exist:
Hope is gone. We need "Donald Trump" back in office. Only "The Avengers" can save us now.
(For some reason Andrew Sanders can't control Fox News, their bias is too powerful for the magnificent leader.)

A concerned government official asks the "Donald Trump" president character:
Government Offical: Mr. President, what should we do about Andrew Sanders?
"Donald Trump": There's only one thing we can do...
Government Offical: Should we get the military? The Marines?
"Donald Trump": No! Andrew Sanders is too powerful for that! I hate to say it, but we need Matt Hardy and Lady Gaga.
Government Offical: Mr. President, you can't be serious. Can they be trusted to restore capitalism? 
"Donald Trump": It's our last resort! They're the only ones who can stop Andrew Sanders.
Government Offical: But Mr. President... 
"Donald Trump": It's them or NO ONE! (Since they have superpowers)

After losing the Hardy Compound (when the roles are swapped). Matt Hardy is in a deep depression. "Donald Trump" tries convincing him to reunite "The Avengers" with Lady Gaga, defeat Andrew Sanders, make the rich become rich again, the poor become poor, and restore capitalism.

Matt Hardy is reluctant at first but decides to unite "The Avengers" with Lady Gaga because he has nothing to lose. 

There's a big superhero battle.

At the end of the movie, Andrew Sanders is defeated by "The Avengers". The rich and poor swap roles again. The "Donald Trump" character goes back to drinking his expensive Starbucks lattes and the NYC 8th avenue homeless man goes back to begging for change. Thank God! The world is saved.

The play will project the unfairness of the world. The irony is the poor becomes mad with power when it's thrust upon them.

Superhero Movie - (Update 4)
A comedic scene from my Superhero Movie: (Remember when Dr. Evil goes to family therapy with his son Scott in Austin Powers - and everyone there is oblivious he's crazy?) After getting a viral YouTube video, Andrew Sanders gives a speech at a university - he holds up cartons of milk ranting about the 1% and 2%. Sanders sounds like a lunatic. But the college professors and kids think he should be in charge of the country - not "Donald Trump". ____ The "Lady Gaga" character supports Andrew Sanders at first, promoting him on social media and at concerts. "Lady Gaga" brings Andrew Sanders on stage with her during a concert that's being broadcasted all over TV, radio, and the internet. He begins screaming like a dictator about the rich. The crowd cheers. Lady Gaga thinks it's great. He's seen a hero and savior. Society wants CHANGE - and only realizes Andrew Sanders is a corrupt "socialist" dictator when it's too late. Sanders gains power and swaps the money of the rich and poor.

(Update 6)
I'm afraid people are reading my "Superhero Movie" Sketch like it's a serious idea. It's meant to be ridiculous like Austin Powers and Airplane (an absurd comedy).

If anyone wants to work on it with me, I'll create a shared Google Document. And we can add, and add, and add.

I haven't developed the Matt Hardy character in a while. I'm not gonna lie, I'm imagining the REAL Matt Hardy is reading this and is developing his character on the sly. But that's a delusion. So I have to develop my Matt Hardy- like character.

Once I start to turn this from a Sketch into a screenplay, I'll have to change the names from "Matt Hardy" and "Donald Trump" to something else. It's just comedic characters BASED ON THEM at the moment.

I'm secretly hoping Lady Gaga will star in this movie. And she'll use her real stage name. Implying this absurd comedy is real life. Lol.

"Lady Gaga" starts a romantic relationship with Andrew Sanders, unaware he's a huge psycho.

They write a song together about how socialism is the answer to America's problems. 
(The song will be ridiculous and comedic.) 
It goes to #1 on the Billboard Charts, like her collaboration with Bradley Cooper. 
She'll regret writing it when Sanders becomes a corrupt socialist dictator, like her collaboration with R. Kelly. 

Lady Gaga funds Andrew Sanders seizing of Power in America. But when he strips the rich of their money (including her) - she realizes the huge mistake she made.

For those of you who didn't watch Impact Wrestling, Matt Hardy is able to talk to certain animals - like George Washington the giraffe. He's a wise confidant. But the joke is it's just a giraffe, who stands there silently, who's interested in his carrots, and Matt Hardy is talking to no one.

It begs the question, is the animal really a reincarnated George Washington - or is Matt Hardy just crazy? Lol.

Later in the movie, Andrew Sanders will visit the zoo and attempt to get the animals to defect to his socialist revolution. George Washington is loyal to Matt Hardy (OBVIOUSLY). But Smokin' Joe Frazier (the kangaroo) is a traitor.


The movie will end, the world is saved. Then the "filter" is removed" and the surprise ending is, this is all one big fantasy of people in a mental hospital. Lol.

The Villain (02 21 2020):
I just brainstormed some ideas for the Superhero movie - The Villain:
In a Taylor Swift social media post (when she signed with Universal Records), she was dressed like an eccentric artist, holding a cat, surrounded by music executives in suits. She looked like a James Bond supervillain, but only more comedic like Dr. Evil from Austin Powers. An eccentric man-child, surrounded by her peons, signing the important document to rule the world.

Actually, if you think about it, it's a bit like Donald Trump too. An eccentric manchild, who is in control of an evil corporation, then controls the world.

I heard Mark Zuckerberg (the Facebook guy) makes staff blow-dry his armpits before interviews because he sweats profusely.

"Dry my armpits" sounds like something a comic book supervillain would say. Doesn't Jake Gyllenhaal's Mysterio say "iron my cape" to the peons working for him in Spider-Man: Far From Home? And "iron my cape" is a significantly better thing to say than "dry my armpits".

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