Saturday, January 1, 2022

Some Posts (01 01 2022)

Post 01:

Somebody said 2022 is going to be my year. I hope so. I feel like I've been saying that every year for my entire adult life. 2022 is more likely going to be the year I die from a sudden and tragic accident. Nothing happy is going to happen. Business as usual.

Post 02:

My mother basically told me, without telling me, a lot of what I was saying in 2011 wasn't delusional.

Yesterday, through metaphors, my father told me a lot of my claims in 2011 weren't delusional.

Sadly, I look crazy and uncredible. But my parents are my sadistic persecutors.

Post 03:

Sometimes you need to ask yourself: What's real? What's fantasy? If my parents truly were my sadistic persecutors, their families were involved in my torture, and they spent years brainwashing and gaslighting me into thinking it's not real. Sometimes the truth is not easy to see.

Post 04:

The fears I've been getting are the same "delusions" that got me diagnosed and heavily medicated in 2011. Doctors told me it was mental illness, not my parents trying to suppress trauma in my mind and confuse me. Accept what psychiatrists are telling me as fact. I'm delusional.

Post 05:

It's most likely like Occam's razor. The simplest explanation - my parents love me and I'm mentally ill - that's the truth.

My parents are criminal masterminds who devoted their entire life to torturing me and a long con. It's so far-fetched, isn't believable, sounds so crazy.

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