Sunday, November 22, 2020

Reducing Meds

Last night, I slightly reduced the Invega from 9 mg to 6 mg. I feel so much healthier today.

Emotions and feelings are coming back. The adverse effects are getting better. 

The medications must've been causing depression. Because I feel happier. I walked into the coffee shop with a smile on my face. Socialized with everyone. 

If my suspicions are correct, I suspect the Invega could've been CAUSING psychosis.

My goal is to come off the medications entirely. My mom was giving me a hard time with a slight reduction to my mega regimen. She was afraid. I need to put my foot down. It's unnatural having a chemical lobotomy. I think the medicines might've been doing more harm than good. I actually feel better - like a human.

Here's my list of medications that I'm on at the moment:
Invega 6 mg at night once a day
Lamotrigine (Lamictal) 125 mg once a day
Latuda 40 mg at night once a day
Lithium 300
(Xanax .5 (as needed))
Cabergoline 2 mg weekly
Levothyroxine (thyroid) 75 mg (for thyroid adverse effects)
Ondansetron 4mg at night (so not to throw up, Latuda/Invega adverse effect)
Rivastigmine 3 mg twice a day (so 3 in morning, 3 at night) (for Memory/adverse effect), so 6 mg  

It's still a lot. If all goes well, I'm gonna keep shedding these meds. It actually makes me angry that I was on so much medication for so long. It should've never gotten to this point. What is the long-term damage? Cancer? Are these medications making my mind go haywire? 

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