Tuesday, February 4, 2020


A friend bought me a yoga membership for beginners. So I'm doing yoga for the first time tonight. If I didn't have anxiety and panic attacks, I'd love it and probably still will.

But I rarely get out of the house and have suffered from mental illness for years. I'm afraid everyone will see me as a damaged freak and view me in a critical way. I laughed with my doctor about the yoga studio full of bullies narrative since it's absurd. It's not unrealistic to think there may be a judgemental person or two, but not EVERYONE.

If I don't panic like a deer caught in headlights the entire time, it'll be nice and people will be more into their exercise anyway.

I'm 32 years old and I should've been living life. Instead, middle and high school bullies resulted in social isolation and living in a fantasyland.

Throughout the years, there were so many yoga-like opportunities I should've done. Sadly, I wasted my life afraid.

Thankfully since my friend bought this membership for me, I must go. I'll try behaving confident, and not like a socially anxious freak. 

I'm getting butterflies already. I'm trying to tell myself I have a cold, but I'm fine. I'll just go and enjoy myself.

It's in a little over an hour.

I just completed Ashtanga Yoga for the first time. It was a positive experience.

A good workout that was great for the body and mind. My arms, legs, and abdomen are sore (in a good way).

I was quickly learning the poses through repetition. 

Nice people. No bullies.

There were about 7 or 8 people in the class. I was the only guy. That's a good thing. However, attractive women often give me internal panic and I have difficulty focusing and concentrating on the instructor. How do I get over this? This seems like a High School and College problem I should've outgrown by now.

I have 6 more sessions. I will do more yoga soon.

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