Thursday, October 1, 2020

NYC Unsafe

Today, I went with my friend from the psychosocial clubhouse to The Met Cloisters in New York City. The museum itself was nice. We had a nice time there. But the area didn't seem so nice - Washington Heights.

We noticed many crazy people in the subway. For some reason, they all seem to target me. Maybe it's my anxious body language. These people were DANGEROUS. 

We went to Starbucks. I'm probably being paranoid, but I noticed the barista went into the backroom before making our coffee. Could he have gone to the bathroom? Did he wash his hands? Could he have poisoned me? 

I just want to have wholesome bunny fun, but felt unsafe in New York City. The streets are empty due to COVID-19, only the crazies are walking around. Maybe I shouldn't go so often. We got lucky. Next time we might not be so lucky.

At a park in Washington Heights. There are very small stairs you climb to get to the museum, and everyone who does gets scratched with this tree/stick. When we reached the top, there was a sketchy man with tattoos who likely got scratched just before me. Can you get HIV this way?

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