Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Some Posts (02/25/2022 - 03/01/2022)

February 25, 2022:

Post 01:

Earlier today I scratched my finger on art supplies while doing artwork with my mom. I had an open cut and didn't even realize it. I worked out at the gym without covering it. Then I got home, washed my hands, and my finger was stinging. I remember how I cut myself earlier in day.

February 26, 2022:

Post 01:

I have a cut on my finger that goes pretty deep and stings anytime something touches it. Today at the gym, I wore a bandage over it. But it's an open cut. This is not a contamination risk, right. Nothing to worry about?

February 27, 2022:

Post 01:

Although the cut on my finger is starting to heal now. It was a real slice. Anytime water, soap, or things touched the cut it stung. Deep and open. And I'm not sure how I did it. I'm horrifyingly imagining worst case scenario. Life changing contamination. I'm fine. Don't worry.

March 1, 2022:

Post 01:

I often get angry there's somebody who could have saved me from the HELL my life became and chose not to, but they intend to come into my life at a later date after watching me suffer. Assuming somebody is paying attention to me. Don't let them enter my life. Find someone better.

Post 02:

Nobody has watched me waste my life, enjoyed it, saved my social media posts... NOBODY CARES ENOUGH! If I want a life, talk to people in the real world. Nobody is inflicting isolation and enjoys my suffering. I'm the one who is isolating myself.

Post 03:

Before eating a deli sandwich earlier today, I bit my lip beforehand. The inside of my lip was bloody like an open cut. I don't know when they made the deli sandwich. But I kissed it up to God, ate it, and I'm trying not to worry about contamination.

Post 04:

I made tremendous progress in my mental health recovery since 2011. I have a lot of people to thank for this, like my parents, friends, and doctors.

Post 05:

I believe you can recover from schizophrenia without the use of medication, but it's hard work and you need to try. Schizophrenia is like injuring your mind. So much emotional trauma made me sick. Over time, with hard work, you can heal and make a full recovery.

Post 06:

Often in my videos, I play an exaggerated, sensationalistic character, like a pro wrestling character. It's me, myself, truth, but I exaggerate and embellish my personality for the performance. I'm very dramatic. In real life, I'm very low-key and mellow. I don't talk very much.

Post 07:

What I'm saying in my dramatic videos is true. I'm disabled at 34-years-old. I have no friends, money, or life. I think my social media posts are my ticket to freedom and independence. I'm living in a fantasyland, a daydream world. Living in the real world is the key to recovery.

Post 08:

My biggest struggle is delusions, which is like blurring fantasy and reality. Because I was deprived of socialization, daydreaming, always alone in my head, the line between fantasy and reality became blurred in my mind. This is why getting a grasp on REALITY is so important.

Post 09:

Intense trauma, pain, and suffering cause schizophrenia. Some people are so sick, don't fit into society, so they need medication to numb the symptoms. You REALLY CAN make a full recovery from schizophrenia without medication. You need the right doctors, environment, and friends.

Post 10:

Society doesn't really want to understand schizophrenia. It's easier to say "that man is crazy", "give him medication." The schizophrenic person is usually so sick and does what they're told, but they're barbarically being given a chemical lobotomy with the medication.

Post 11:

I'm not saying psychiatric medication is always bad. If you can't function in society because you're symptoms are so horrible, sometimes the medication last resort is used. But it's a quick and lazy approach to help someone heal from years of trauma, stress, pain, and suffering.

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