Monday, March 21, 2022

Some Posts (03/18/2022 - 03/21/2022)

March 18, 2022:

Post 01:

There's a college-aged woman. She blocked my Cell Waters account. I'm following her public social media posts under another username. I know she's looking at my posts. I feel like we're becoming friends even though we're not actually talking to each other, just public posts.

March 19, 2022:

Post 01:

I'm supposed to see my childhood friends at a Mexican restaurant today. But last night while eating almonds, I bit my tongue and have a cut right at the front of my tongue. Is it safe to eat at a restaurant if you have a cuts in your mouth? Is there any contamination risk here?

Post 02:

After talking with my parents, I'm not going to worry about the cut on my tongue. I'll kiss it up to God then eat at the restaurant. This is no contamination risk. I'm going to see my childhood friends at 2:00 p.m. as originally scheduled. This is not the end of my life.

Post 03:

When I was leaving to go to Buffalo Wild Wings, my mother and stepfather were really kind, genuinely wished me a good time. It's really sad I got sick with mental illness, wasted so much time, and had years of hell. The truth is all of my parents love me and want the best for me.

Post 04:

I have a fresh cut on my neck. I'm assuming I either accidentally nicked myself shaving or it was acne that popped. It's a large cut. I touched it with hands that touched stuff in my apartment. I'm trying to not worry and remember it's no contamination risk. Kiss it up to God.

Post 05:

Although the "accidental razor cut" or "popped acne" is scabbed over and not bleeding. I'm catastrophizing that I actually scratched myself open with my friends at the mall or when I was at the gym. Because I really don't know how the cut happened. Just relax and let it go.

March 20, 2022:

Post 01:

Ignorant people like to diagnose me as having "narcissistic personality disorder." Yes, I like attention and do things that are narcissistic, but somebody with narcissistic personality disorder is incapable of self-deprecating humor. My diagnosis is schizoaffective disorder.

March 21, 2022:

Post 01:

When I was walking into the gym today, there was a lot of trash, garbage, and dirt on the street in front of the gym. Other people were walking into the gym and on the trash right by me. Then a strong gust of wind blew the dirt and garbage into my face/eyes. Contamination risk?

Post 02:

My biggest fear about the dust and garbage blowing in my face from the wind outside the gym is not an empty bag of chips, it's people just having walked on the dirt with their shoes then in eyes. Just relax. Kiss it up to God. It's gross, but no life-changing contamination risk.

Post 03:

My dad's cell phone number keeps sending me things to download that he's not sending. I don't download them. I think "Vladimir Putin" and "Russia" are sending me viruses to get money. It could be my phone glitching out. Although my dad won't, he should scan his phone for malware.

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