Friday, April 30, 2021

Crime Up In Major US Cities, Police Defunding

Ever since COVID-19 and the George Floyd murder, crime is on the rise in US cities. I heard violent crime is up 300% in New York City. The liberals say cut funding to police and it's the conservative narrative that the city is unsafe. I consider myself mostly liberal, but police presence makes me feel much safer because it's fact there're DANGEROUS CRIMINALS out there. I found if you aren't doing anything wrong, the police typically leave you alone. It's the people who aggressively draw attention to themselves who get harassed by police. It's absurd they're letting the cities go to hell. They're turning into Gotham City (from Batman). I consider myself a weak person who gets harassed by criminals. It makes me want to stay in Long Island (the suburbs).

Recently, there was one isolated case of a white male violently targeting Asians. That was all over the news. There's been a lot of anti-Asian hate crimes, but it's not getting reported... wonder why. I guess man bites dog is newsworthy.

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