Saturday, June 11, 2022

Some Posts (06 11 2022)

Post 01:

When I grabbed the spray cleaner after my workout, it was wet, soaked. I'm guessing it was from the liquid inside, not from sweaty hands or some psychopath contaminating it... But it still bothered me. I'm letting it go and will enjoy my evening. This is not earth shattering!

Post 02:

It's POSSIBLE a psychopath can poison and contaminate you when you go out in public, but it's very improbable. If you're afraid of the world you'll never have a life. It's also POSSIBLE a plane can crash into your house where you feel safe and sound. Though, extremely unlikely.

Post 03:

When I get paranoid about a monster behind a mask, contamination fears, that a psychopath is trying to murder me, REMEMBER it's irrational. Most people won't try to kill you. Though, lying psychopaths do exist. It's IMPROBABLE they'll target you specifically.

Post 04:

I'm still getting headaches and forgetfulness. Though, the MRI, MRA, and brain tests came back normal. Maybe it's withdrawal from some of the psychiatric medications? Or headaches from solitude? Not sure why I'm getting them. I review the results with the neurologist soon.  

Post 05:

My psychopharmacologist prescribed an overdose of cabergoline because of the adverse side effect of the antipsychotics. Invega (a psychiatric medication) raised my prolactin, which lead to sexual dysfunction. The cabergoline helped with my sexual function. I felt like a lab rat.

Post 06:

I do not have a pituitary tumor. Cabergoline was prescribed because of my psychiatric medications. Invega raised my prolactin. He prescribed Cabergoline because of the adverse side effect of the Invega. It did help with the sexual dysfunction. But can it cause pituitary tumors?

Post 07:

I know my psychopharmacologist is the "best in the business." He's a research doctor who knows what he's doing. He wouldn't prescribe something to me that could give me a pituitary tumor. He was trying to help, not kill me. People didn't know the dangers of cigarettes initially.

Post 08:

I am a poor, disabled, adult child, who was being controlled by my parents. If it was my psychopharmacologist, a family member of his, or a rich kid (son of a millionaire), would he be as quick to prescribe the mega regimen? Or would he be afraid it'd kill the important person?

Post 09:

I'm a severely mentally ill, dependent adult child, whose life is pointless. My parents pressured me into taking a mega regimen of prescription psychiatric medication. Who cares if they kill me? I'm not the son of a millionaire. If I die, nobody cares. I'm voiceless and powerless.

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