Friday, June 17, 2022

Vince McMahon Scandal

There is a big scandal going on with Vince McMahon of the WWE.

He had an affair. Was using his money and power for things that aren't "best for business."

Vince McMahon has basically told us he does these kinds of things with his Mr. McMahon character since 1998. I'm just shocked he got caught this time. Who leaked it?

A lot of billionaires are narcissists, and sociopaths, they get power and begin thinking they're God, above it all. They view their employees and people as objects to be used and then discarded.

If people have been treating you like you're a God since the 70's and 80's, he's gonna start to think of himself that way. Think he's above everyone. Everybody is a peasant to him.

Yesterday, I THOUGHT that John Laurinaitis would be the fall guy. and Vince would disappear from the spotlight for a few months. Then return down the line with Austin Theory, it'll blow over, and be forgotten.

I thought Vince would continue to do whatever he wants and never face the consequences.

But it seems like he's stepping down as CEO. And his daughter, Stephanie McMahon is replacing him temporarily as the interim CEO until they can find a replacement.

This is why you should suffer before getting success so you think of people as your equal and teammates, not as objects to be used.

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