Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Some Posts (06 28 2022 - 06 29 2022)

June 28, 2022:

Post 01:

I'm trying to eat breakfast more often. This morning I was in a local bagel shop. Do people often accidentally cut themselves with the knife when making bagels then start to bleed? It seems like it's an accident that could happen quite easily.

Post 02:

I'm daydreaming and getting contamination fears that the worker in the bagel shop sliced her hand with the knife. I didn't witness her accidentally cut herself, saw no blood in my cream cheese. Relax and don't imagine horrifying scenarios. It was just a yummy breakfast. No risk!

June 29, 2022:

Post 01:

It's important to get out, interact with people, and live in the real world. Speaking from experience, once you start hiding from everybody at home, alone in your head, you'll start living in a delusional daydream world and lose touch with reality. Nobody will want to date you.

Post 02:

Speaking from experience, when you're hurt by people, you often want to isolate because you don't relate to anyone or anything anymore. Like the album The Wall by Pink Floyd or I Am A Rock by Simon and Garfunkel. I'm told by psychiatrists there are good people who aren't bullies.

Post 03:

I'm assuming Vince Russo and Vince McMahon were like the song come out and play by the offspring. Alone they were crazy, but not totally insane. Together sharing a delusion is taking insanity to the next level. It's almost like Nazi Germany in a way.

Russo and McMahon lost touch with reality, were living in a reckless fantasyland.

It ended badly and Russo was the fall guy.

But the Attitude Era is responsible for saving the WWE.

Post 04:

Do you believe in God? At what point is a human being officially alive? I definitely understand why people are anti-abortion. I also understand why people are pro a woman's right to choose. If you can't give a baby a good life - is the child doomed for horror from birth?

Post 05:

It's disgusting that social media can suspend somebody for little to no reason just for speaking the truth. But it's not the government that owns Twitter, it's some Californian company. We don't have freedom of speech. If they don't like you they can silence you for no reason.

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