Monday, June 27, 2022

Some Posts (06 25 2022 - 06 27 2022)

June 25, 2022:

Post 01:

I discovered the Bethpage Plume has reached Massapequa's drinking water. We have a water filter and a reverse osmosis filter. I've been drinking tap water since at least 2019 all throughout the day every day. Sadly, the filter is only 70% effective against TCE (trichloroethylene).

Post 02:

From this moment going forward, I'm going to drink only bottled water. I was under the impression since we had a water filter on the house our water was cleaner than bottled water. Apparently, that's not so. The Bethpage plume contaminates Massapequa. Hopefully, the damage wasn't done.

June 27, 2022:

Post 01:

Sometimes what should be common sense people don't use because there's no medical research to support the theory. For example, concussions from slamming a chair into someone's skull (WWE). There were theories about concussions, it obviously looked horrible, but no scientific proof.

Then in the mid-2000, all the research came out. Now it's known how dangerous it is.

There's no scientific evidence that the mega regimen of psychiatric medications that I was taking for over ten years was killing me. But shouldn't it have been common sense? People didn't know the dangers of smoking until research came out. Do you want to be the lab rat? I don't.

I want to recover from schizoaffective without the use of psychiatric medications.

Post 02:

In 2014 I posted: "Where are my magical saviors?!.. The time is NOW. Come and rescue me magical ones."

Now in 2022, I see, that if I want my life to change I need to behave like an adult. My mom can spoon-feed me a better life and a girlfriend won't want to live my life for me.

Post 03:

When other people make your decisions for you, you'll just get a life full of what they want you to be. If you want to be happy, make life decisions for yourself. Don't behave like a powerless child that gets bossed around. Nobody wants to date a 34-year-old disabled adult child.

Post 04:

Unless you have millions of dollars and get the best of everything, then everything is a cancer risk. The tap water we drink on Long Island, the psychiatric medications I took, overexposure to sunlight, staying indoors... hell, even the air we breathe is polluted.

Post 05:

Life is a little bit of luck. There're self-destructive reckless people who live until they're 100-years-old. Then there are people who take care of their health and do everything right and get cancer in their 30s. Though, I'm not saying being healthy doesn't improve your luck.

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