Monday, January 2, 2023

Some Posts (01 02 2023)

Post 01:

I trust you know what you're doing, Bun Bun, but you really need to make me a lot happier soon. Even if it's not with you, I really would like to get intimate with a woman. Assuming it isn't you, it's important she's not a deceiving bully. Somebody who has good intentions.

Post 02:

Realistically, if you are my half-sibling and you were laughing at my suffering, it's my parents who were making me into a buffoon. I'm a badass. You're so getting fired when I become boss.

Post 03:

Now everyone is interested in what I'm doing on new year's eve even though they PRETEND like they weren't. For DECADES, when I wasn't "as cool" as your family, nobody gave a shit I had no friends and could've dropped dead. They would've victim-blamed me at the funeral.

Post 04:

The only reason my father's other family is interested in me is because I made myself Mr. Cool. I'm a badass artist. People like winners. There's other family members, but they don't give a shit about them. They like me because of my social media persona. They don't truly know me

Post 05:

My father is such a moron. He was trying to push his stupid "they're the Nazi family" narrative when I wanted to punch him in the face for his deception and abuse. If anything, he's the psychopath who tortured ME. I'm not the bully. HE'S THE NAZI. He doesn't like assertive Andrew

Post 06:

Who I SUSPECT is my half-sibling undercover, once in a while makes wholesome cat noises when we socialize. I guess to show, look dude you suffered tremendously. You're hardcore. You're intense. You're going to go crazy when you discover the truth... But I'm just a guy like you.

Post 07:

At this point, who I suspect is my half-sibling, wants more of a relationship with me than my full brother. My brother doesn't want to associate with me because he's afraid I'm going to mess up his career and life with my social media posts. He desires no relationship with me.

Post 08:

I don't really know what goes on in my brother's mind. He's a hard guy to figure out. I SUSPECT he's ashamed of me because he never included me with his friends when we were younger. He's also afraid I'm going to mess up his career and life with my social media posts.

Post 09:

Say what you will about my mother and father. Yes, they metaphorically cut my neck and probably caused the schizoaffective disorder injury. With that said, they were also amused by their Syd Barrett-like son and proceeded to allow this go on because they found it hilarious.

Post 10:

They're certain things I don't even like to think of because they're so painful. I'm not talking about traumatic experiences like getting bullied in school. It's heartbreaking some of the tragic things I experienced with Bun Bun because we're both good people with good intentions

Post 11:

I think it's time to stop the deception and tell me the truth about EVERYTHING. Is it as bad as I suspect it is? I'm pretty sure it is and that's why they're reluctant to tell me.

Post 12:

If my mother thinks when I become a billionaire she's going to be lying on a raft on some tropical beach Island, she's got a big surprise coming. I'm going to try to put her in federal prison for her gaslighting, not allowing me to assert the truth, and forcing me to take meds.

Post 13:

My parents were literally trying to murder me and sabotage my life. They were getting SADISTIC sexual pleasure from my suffering. It's no delusion. My mother put my through the metaphoric Holocaust and wanted me to come back with a vergence on everyone.

Post 14:

My parents really were sexually abusing me. The medications were unnecessary. It was gaslighting. All the psychiatrists were negligent. I was being tortured by Nazis who were getting pleasure from murdering me while pretending they weren't.

Post 15:

My mother did rape me in a way because she wanted me to commit the dog sin then made it impossible to talk about. She got sexual pleasure from my mental suffering. It's a fact.

Post 16:

I really was my mothers sex toy who she was torturing. The psychiatric medications were prescribed based on TRUTH. My parents were sexual sadists.

Post 17:

I understand how tragic Owen Hart's death was because he should still be alive today and the stunt was so unnecessary. When it comes to ridiculous deaths, that has to be near the top of the list. He was playing a sensationalistic buffoon and telling jokes while dying. So surreal.

Post 18:

It would be so fitting for me to have an Owen Hart-like death. Everyone is laughing at the absurdity of what's happening, I have no dignity, and being treated like a complete laughing stock, then I die. Then when realization sinks in, it'll become extremely unfunny and horrifying

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