Monday, January 30, 2023

Some Posts (01 29 2023 - 01 30 2023)

Post 01:

If you're dying from a terminal illness but keeping it secret. Maybe you should get cremated. Then instead of a telephone conversation like we usually have in the morning, one morning I'll pour your ashes in the toilet after I'm done doing my business then I'll flush it down.

Post 02:

Maybe I'll make a YouTube video about pouring my father's ashes in the toilet when he passes away. Then I'll flush his ashes down my filthy toilet and I'll go AHA and What It Is.

Post 03:

We shouldn't glorify my father. He's actually like Chris Benoit, Robert William Fisher (The fugitive), or a mass shooter. He's somebody that we shouldn't celebrate for being a bad person because that's exactly what he wants. Just erase his name from history like Benoit.

Post 04:

My father is a psychopath who was deceiving me and was getting sadistic pleasure from my suffering. He's a monster. It's disgusting what he did to me. Someone tell me the truth and no excuses for your bullying behavior. You were humiliating me. I want to know the complete truth.

Post 05:

My parents were trying to kill me pharmacologically with the mega regimen of psychiatric medications. I have no doubt in my mind it was sadistic torture. They believed it was giving me cancer. The psychopharmacologist was negligent. People don't like to admit it. It's true.

Post 06:

My father is such a sadistic, sexual pervert, bully who knew exactly what he was doing. He was metaphorically cutting my neck. He was gaslighting me. It was intentional torture. I was the red-headed stepchild family to my father. The family he kept secret were the cooler families

Post 07:

Does anybody care about me at all? It really doesn't seem like it. I'm in a tremendous amount of pain because of the bullying I was put through and years of unimaginable hell I lived. I just want to be genuinely loved, not bullied by psychopathic monsters who don't care if I die.

Post 08:

I personally feel sick over what my abusive lying father put me through. He's to blame and had bad intentions. Does he lose any sleep knowing what he did to me? Nope. He's a psychopath who doesn't feel empathy. He slept soundly even though I was in hell and lost so much time.

Post 09:

I don't want this to be like a sensationalistic professional wrestling matchup. I don't want this to be turned into a Hollywood movie. I want a sincere apology which my psychopathic father will never give. This will probably end up with me like Kurt Cobain from Nirvana.

Post 10:

If I wound up homeless or the biggest loser on planet Earth, nobody would care. The only reason my half-siblings even care about me is because of my social media posts, because I made myself a performative genius, and the ultimate winner. They don't actually know me, though.

Post 11:

My half-siblings think they know me from my social media content, but they don't actually know me. It's like people who listen to radio shows and start to think they have a relationship with people on the show. There's a lot that's not being broadcast on the channel.

Post 12:

I don't want a relationship with my half-siblings. I'm going to be angry if they deceived me and gave me a good time while pretending to be people in the mental health community. Leave me alone. I want no involvement with them whatsoever. Where have they been for 35 years?

Post 13:

The reason my half-siblings became fascinated with me was my social media content. At first everybody was extremely critical of it. But then it became like the best show on TV to everyone. Nobody cared about me beforehand, but when I started posting, then they wanted to know me.

Post 14:

If my half-sibling graduated from Harvard, or an ivy league college. Fuck you! The only reason you had that opportunity is because my father metaphorically cut my neck, screwed us out of money, and got us fast food for dinners. You were provided with opportunity. We were murdered

Post 15:

Even if I am about to become extremely rich and successful, I'm so screwed. I'm totally going to get a cancer diagnosis very soon from the years of horrible health and neglect. My half-siblings were eating the best foods, getting the best of everything. I was provided with trash.

Post 16:

I don't find it funny, nor do I care. I was actually crying in front of my father. I was just released from the psychiatric hospital and all you want to talk about is pro wrestling and bully me. Have some empathy you psychopath. Then he gaslights me and made it about himself.

Post 17:

These social media posts and performative videos started out as everyone watching it and thinking what a pathetic loser I am, I was a laughing stock, my whole family was depressed. It was really bad...

Somehow there was a twist of fate, now it's like the funniest concept ever.

Post 18:

I do think someone out there cares and has a plan so this doesn't end in a catastrophic train wreck. So this doesn't end like Owen Hart for me. So even though the videos might be hilarious at the moment, if I die in a tragic way, the jokes will completely be ruined. Trust me.

Post 19:

Something that is hilarious can immediately turn extremely unfunny if something tragic happens. The jokes that were funny at the time, in hindsight, won't feel the same at all. It'll be disturbing and horrifying. This doesn't have to end in a train wreck. I hope someone helps.

Post 20:

My mother often wears a Star Wars shirt. She kept secret what a monster my father was. I guess I'm like Luke Skywalker. When I discovered the truth about my father, that he's Darth Vader, and was doing all this horrible stuff, I'm not going to be very happy. Ignorance is bliss.

Post 21:

For many years my father provided the bare minimum of money and is a millionaire. He reconciled with my mother in a way. Where did the money for my apartment come from? I think it was just my mother. I'm being led to believe it was just my mother. Maybe it wasn't just my mother.

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