Saturday, January 28, 2023

Some Posts (01 27 2023 - 01 28 2023)

Post 01:

A version of the likable 2007/2008 Andrew that Ed remembers is back. Though, much more evolved. I'm hilarious, making non-stop jokes, and always talking. With that said, I'm also unstable and was just released from the psychiatric hospital. It's progress on the road to recovery.

Post 02:

The 2007/2008 version of myself was quick-witted and hilarious. Though, much more immature than I am now. I proceeded to get very sick with mental illness and my spirit kinda died. It's starting to come back 15 years later. Better late than never. I'm starting to get confident.

Post 03:

They're my friends. I genuinely like them. If they were having the time of their lives since 2008, instead of being envious, maybe be happy for them instead. They feel bad for my suffering I'm sure. Could they have saved me back then? Maybe. Still, it was my responsibility.

Post 04:

Most of the I'm thinking of this guy as an ordinary guy who had a middle-class existence like me, we're getting along and becoming genuine friends in my opinion. But I also SUSPECT at times he's keeping some secret. It might not even be bad, maybe he's an undercover boss.

Post 05:

Millionaires exist, it's not like they're living on Mars, while the middle and lower classes are on Earth. Maybe I'm interacting with rich and important people on the sly, but I'm thinking of them as ordinary middle-class people, based on how they dress and what led me to believe.

Post 06:

One of the main reasons Dr. Natural put me in the psychiatric hospital a few weeks ago is because I started talking like a sensationalistic and performative pro wrestling character during our psychiatry sessions, like LA Knight of the WWE. This is not even a joke. It's the truth.

Post 07:

My psychiatry sessions with Dr. Natural are done through Zoom internet video. It's an unnatural kind of session that leads to me going into performative mode. He thought I was in this never-ending performance like a WWE wrestler all throughout the day. I disagree with that.

Post 08: 

I was sitting in solitude for MONTHS, maybe even YEARS, not talking to anyone. Investing all my time and energy into videos and social media posts. Basically, the psychiatric hospital was a wake up call. Now I know I need to socialize and meet friends, not behave like a wrestler.

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