Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Some Posts (07 05 2022 - 07 06 2022)

July 5, 2022:

Post 01:

If you accidently wash coins with your clothes should you wash the clothes again? There are three pairs in underwear in the wash with lots of other clothes (that's now in my dryer). I really don't feel like rewashing, but isn't change very dirty?

Post 02:

I'm really OCDing about underwear getting washed with money. There's no contamination risk to worry about. The clothes are clean, put them in my draw, don't worry, and don't rewash them because there's nothing to worry about.

Post 03:

It'll take two hours to rewash and dry my clothes. I don't feel like doing it AGAIN. If you say there's no contamination risk from washing money with clothes then I'll take your word for it and not worry about germs. So put the underwear away in my draw? My mother says it's fine.

July 6, 2022:

Post 01:

In high school, I was too shy to talk to girls. I would daydream about being alone with the girl I liked in class (my crush), saving her life because she needed my help in some way, then she'd see I'm a great guy and fall in love with me.

Post 02:

On the treadmill next to me, there was this sleazy looking guy who was running. I felt like his sweat was getting all over me and got in my eye. It's gross. No one likes when this happens. But you can't get contaminated from sweat. Don't think of it anymore. It's fine. It's over.

Post 03:

I really feel like the Pink Floyd concept album The Wall. I feel so much smarter than everyone else. I have no desire for people to understand the real me, if I show it to them at all. And I just want to be left alone and not be harassed by bullies.

Post 04:

Could the Syd Barrett story all be one big Pink Floyd hoax? Syd could have shaved his head so no one recognized him, was working with Floyd during Dark Side Of The Moon and Wish You Were Here, contributing conceptually and lyrically, and schizophrenia meds are why he got fat.

Maybe Syd Barrett wasn't even taking psychedelic drugs. Maybe they created a sensational story to protect him because he has schizophrenia. He couldn't handle the spotlight or the fame. But was the main guy behind Pink Floyd. He was the lyricist.

Obviously Pink Floyd's lyrics are being written by a severely mentally ill and delusional person who blurs fantasy and reality, and lives in an isolated Fantasyland. I assume it's Syd Barrett.

I guess Roger Waters could be delusional and severely mentally ill and he's projecting.

Post 05:

I was having a conversation with somebody who has a job, is busy, and isn't always on the internet. So you mean to tell me there's a real world out there off of the internet? You mean to tell me things happen in the world that aren't online? The internet is like a Fantasyland.

Post 06:

President Biden delivers speeches and behaves like he's an old man with dementia. Is this really the best and brightest the United States has to offer? I feel like you could pluck some honors students from a university, they could do a better job with a little on-the-job training.

Post 07:

I realize the reason Joe Biden won the Presidency is that people were tired of Donald Trump's drama, we were beginning to think he's a narcissist who only cares about power. But we elected Grandpa Simpson from The Simpsons. Somebody who belongs in a nursing home, not oval office.

Post 08:

No matter what your politics are.

George W. Bush behaved Presidential.

Barack Obama behaved Presidental.

President Biden behaves like his cognitive functioning isn't all there.

It's scary that he's meeting with world leaders and is running the most powerful country in world.

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