Sunday, July 24, 2022

Some Posts (07 24 2022)

July 24, 2022:

Post 01:

When I get paranoid that my parents are sadistic decievers, who are putting on a facade but will betray me in secret... fight off the delusions. Why would they provide me with a  beautiful apartment, food, and the internet, just to secretly sabotage me? They want me to succeed.

Post 02:

The past few nights there's been a puddle in my apartment by my sink. Tonight it looked yellowish and I was getting contamination fears. It COULD be sink water getting on the floor, I could have a leak, but I'm becoming suspicious my parents are sadistic deceivers behind my back.

Post 03:

Even if my parents are lying to me about a lot of things, even if the sadistic deceiver thoughts are true... My parents want me to succeed. They don't want me to get HIV. They don't want to murder me. They are hoping for my success because it will lead to them getting successful.

Post 04:

Tomorrow is my 35th birthday and I'm hoping my secret admirer soulmate woman will surprise me and say: "It's time to be a millionaire movie star." My dreams will come true. Don't have high expectations for my birthday tomorrow because I'll be disappointed when nothing happens.

Post 05:

What will actually happen on my birthday, social media will remind a bunch of people it's my birthday, and they'll wish me happy birthday on Facebook. I'll briefly spend time around my parents, eat leftover cake. If I'm expecting the most magical day of my life - it won't happen.

Post 06:

It's sad I wasted most of my life solitary and didn't have many enjoyable birthdays. But it's my responsibility to make myself desirable to women, to get financially independent, live in the real world, and get adult responsibilities... Only then will I have a TRUE girlfriend.

Post 07:

My dad lists his birthday on Facebook as July 4th and all the social media sheep wish him a "happy birthday", but his birthday is actually September 22nd.

Yesterday, we celebrated my birthday. I shared the posts. Acquaintances wished me "happy birthday." My birthday is July 25th.

Post 08:

Wishing somebody a "happy birthday" on Facebook is like saying: "I'm pretending to be your friend, but don't want to be in your life." You could literally list the wrong birthday - like my dad - and he still has tons of people wishing him HBD every year on the wrong day.

Post 09:

If you want a real relationship with someone don't lie to them. Maybe your friend or family member was worthless to you at the time and didn't appear like they'd have a successful future... When he discovers the truth, that you're a sadistic deceiver, he's not going to be happy.

Post 10:

Sometimes the people who you dismiss as a loser with no future wind up having the brightest future when they come back with determination and make themselves a millionaire. Then the bullies who traumatized this person and made him sick years prior want to be his friend.

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