Friday, July 29, 2022

Some Posts (07 29 2022)

Post 01:

After forcing me to get the Rabies Vaccine, my mother buys me Organic Bananas. It's almost comical like it's some sick game to her.

Post 02:

I must remember that my mother buying Organic Bananas isn't a sick joke. She's not taunting me. She probably thought the Rabies Vaccine was helping the family, not killing us.

Post 03:

Psychiatrists can make some bullshit narrative that I needed the psychiatric medications, that I wasn't being chemically lobotomized into submission, with my mother trying to kill me with the unnatural meds... Can you really argue the Rabies Vaccine isn't attempted murder?

Post 04:

They'll say my mother isn't well. This isn't intentional. She isn't trying to murder me. In her mind, she believes it's helping. That's not true. Yesterday, she was making jokes about how ridiculous this is and my stepdad was oblivious. He took his Rabies Vaccine like a puppet!

Post 05:

My father is a sadistic deceiver too. I trusted him and used his hand sanitizer today (the monster card flipped), now I'm becoming afraid he's going to secretly betray me. The monster card flipped once again Could the hand sanitizer he poured on my hand have been contaminated?

Post 06:

Sometimes I feel like what I'm saying about my parents is TRUE and it's everybody else who can't see or doesn't want to see. They just do their jobs, make their money, and don't want to bother. It's too difficult of an issue to tackle. So they let this man get tortured.

Post 07:

I currently live in Long Island with my parents. I'm getting taken care of. Disabled at 35 years old. No job. I don't have friends or girlfriend. I'm solitary most of the time.

Post 08:

When I get angry at my parents and think they're sadistic deceivers, realize the financial burden I am on them. I provide nothing to the household. They still don't view me as a burden. They find my dependency as burdensome. But my parents love me very much and want me to succeed

Post 09:

In psychiatry we concluded how my mind works is a bit like a two-sided playing card. On one side, I view my parents as loving people who want the best for me. Sometimes the card will flip if I'm in a bad mood, I'll think of them as sadistic deceivers. It's really shades of grey.

Post 10:

When I'm viewing my parents with the sadistic deceiver SATAN lens try to remember all the happy times, love, and fun. Maybe my parents did something to upset me. They're not perfect. Nobody is. Don't lose sight of all the positive, get angry, and think they're the evilest of evil

Post 11:

When your mind gets rapid delusional mood swings about people going from they love me, to they're sadistic Satan, back to they love me again, it's going to hurt your ability to have meaningful relationships. People won't understand how your mind works. They'll be confused.

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