Sunday, November 21, 2021

Some Posts (11 21 2021)

Post 01:

My YouTube account actually got a content removal warning for my COVID vaccine video. It said I was spreading medical misinformation. It was meant to be a sarcastic, absurd comedy... So I submitted an appeal.

It's actually pro-vaccine.

Post 02:

Kyle Rittenhouse was found NOT GUILTY. I actually felt so bad for him. He's just a kid. Clearly self-defense. When he got the verdict he started crying. Now he'll sue everyone for defamation. He'll be traumatized for life, but at least he can get therapy with his lawsuit money.

Post 03:

I was going to make a video about how Kyle Rittenhouse can now cry in therapy about how Joe Biden and the media defaming him gives him horrifying nightmares because he thought his life was over.

After getting content removal warnings, now I won't touch that with a ten-foot pole.

Post 04:

There was a condom behind my car where the trash cans usually are. My mother said it was probably mine and raccoons open the garbage. But I haven't used one in weeks. My mother said she's noticed it weeks ago. She didn't want to tell me. I'm worried about a psychopath hurting me.

Post 05:

I'm worried a psychopath was reading my social media posts, knows one of my biggest fears is HIV. So he took an HIV infected condom smeared it on my car door handle then littered it by my car to murder me. There I go again. It's probably raccoons. Don't give the psychopaths ideas.

Post 06:

A lot of people are intellectually lazy. If the media tells them somebody is the enemy, they start silencing opposing viewpoints, eventually it's going to be the popular opinion even if the popular opinion is defamation. It's almost propaganda and no free speech unless you agree.

Post 07:

I was watching the news at the gym, they were showing horrifying news stories, like the Kyle Rittenhouse trial and somebody contaminating coffee at Starbucks with hepatitis A... Then they took a break from the seriousness and talked about Olivia Rodrigo at the award show. Surreal.

Post 08:

The news might as well have said, all hell is breaking loose in the world, we're doomed as a society... But here's a shiny distraction, teeny bopper Olivia Rodrigo singing and dancing for our amusement. Don't pay attention to the crisis and seriousness. Enjoy pop music instead.

Post 09:

If the media wanted to label me as Mr. Bean meets The Joker, began slandering me on network news calling me a crazy buffoon. Anybody who spoke up saying: "Andrew is intelligent and makes good points", their accounts get suspended. The defamation becomes everybody's opinion of me.

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