Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Some Posts (11/23/2021 and 11/24/2021)

November 23, 2021:

Post 01:

Something that's probably not known about me, I repeatedly check under my bed, in my closet, and in the bathroom for bad guys before going to bed. I'm afraid they're hiding and will "get me" when I sleep... Yes, I do this every night at my current age - 34-years-old.

November 24, 2021:

Post 01:

My mother triggers intense delusions. I think it's because of the hostile dependency and being treated like a child.

I'll avoid her for weeks - and my mental health will be incredible.

Then I'll do artwork with her for an hour - afterwards I'll get sick.

Post 02:

My family is having a Thanksgiving celebration tomorrow, but I'll probably celebrate alone and run away from them because they trigger intense delusions when I'm around them. I was asked what's worse: solitary confinement? Or being around my parents? I'm healthier solitary.

Post 03:

I was bullied at school. Had no socialization in my teenage years, 20s, early 30s. My home was like an insane asylum. It got me sick. I was treated like a child. Nobody respected me. I was alone in my head. Living in a Fantasyland. No wonder I'm like "Mr. Bean meets The Joker."

Post 04:

I was listening to the song Cheap Thrills by Sia at the gym. She says how she doesn't need money to have fun. It's a fun concept for a dumb pop song. Poor people can feel good at the club. The reality is in the U.S.A. you NEED money to survive. Sia's song made her lots of money.

Post 05:

I was in an expensive, millionaires clothing shop over the weekend. How you dress and look definitely makes an impression on people, but also who you are does too. You can dress up a talentless moron - they'll still be a talentless moron. A genius could wear rags - still a genius.

Post 06:

Money is a man-made concept. So why are there billionaires who have more money than God, while there's poverty, suffering, and world hunger? Anybody who doesn't think the 1% needs to be taxed SIGNIFICANTLY isn't paying close enough attention to the injustices of modern society.

Post 07:

I'm a 34 year old disabled adult child with less than $2,000 in my name, BUT I'm a genius that's more intelligent and talented than most millionaires and billionaires. I should be rich and famous. Unfortunately, I was dealt a bad hand in life, born in the wrong environment.

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