Friday, November 19, 2021

Some Posts (11/16/2021 - 11/19/2021)

November 16, 2021:

Post 01:

My hands are raw and cracked from washing them too much. I'll going to use a mic everybody touches and uses for comedy. Would you worry about contamination? Or, go, have fun. It's all good!

November 17, 2021:

Post 01:

Rumor: If Mysterio is still alive, really the bogus Dr. Strange, dupes Peter again, then responsible for MJ (Zendaya) dying - he's gonna have nuclear heat.

Nuclear heat is a pro wrestling term when everybody hates the character. You can't get any more hateable.

Post 02:

Tom Holland said this new movie isn't "feel good" like the previous two. Bad things happen to characters you love. It's going to be dark. All hell will break loose.

In the end, Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield will come through the portal in the nick of time to fight villains.

Post 03:

When I go viral... Rather than praying for God to save me. I'll pray for Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield to come through the multiverse portal. "PLEASE SAVE ME SPIDER-MAN!!!!" Lol.

Post 04:

At the restaurant, there was toilet paper in the bowl. I tried flushing. It wouldn't flush. So I used it anyway. Now I'm worried about splash back and contamination fears. Let it go and rock and roll at comedy.

November 18, 2021:

Post 01:

My hands are extremely irritated from washing too much. Is that like an open cut? I was touching lots of stuff, shaking lots of hands during comedy last night - contamination risk? I really need moisturizer for my hands and to not wash them so much.

Post 02:

The Mysterio character is meant to be charming, a sociopath, that's how he is able to fool Peter Parker... I agree the character can be likable, but I have a feeling that may change in the new movie, and everybody will hate him.

Plus I liked Jake Gyllenhaal in the role.

Post 03:

To the people who are wondering about my stand-up comedy performance last night, while I made a lot of mistakes when it came to my scripted lines, I would improv and tear down the fourth wall. Overall, it went well. It wasn't the "studio version" of my act. It was a live concert.

Post 04:

About my comedy performance, it was recorded and I will be posting it, it'll probably take a week or two to get from the teacher, though.

Post 05:

I'm afraid the mega regimen of psychiatric medication and the meds for the adverse side effects, I've been taking for about ten years, have damaged my body and is going to kill me.

Post 06:

I don't mind if my parents pick up my medication. I'm lazy. It saves me a trip. But they don't let me know when they do. I want them to send a quick text saying "got your meds."

It's becoming a routine, going to pharmacy and they say my meds were picked up. I look like a fool.

Post 07:

Socialization seemed warmer, happier, magical years ago... Lately, everything feels so dead.

Post 08:

I've been ferociously trying to end this nightmare for years now. I was hoping to go viral on social media. It never happened. I wasted so much time. I'm so talented and brilliant. I should be successful.

Post 09:

I became very mentally ill. Who is to blame for this nightmare? Is it my parents? The bullies? Me? It didn't have to get this bad. There needed to be an intervention years ago. It never happened. Now I'm so damaged. I don't fit in anywhere, don't relate to people. SAVE ME!

Post 10:

People don't realize how different I used to be. Tragedy and trauma changed me for the worse. The peers I used to relate to have been living life, while I was suffering, pouring my life down the drain in hell. We don't relate anymore. We grew apart.

Post 11:

I'm worried taking an overdose of cabergolone for ten years is going to kill me.

I have been having heart problems. Got it checked. Discovered bicuspid aortic valve. But it's ok.

Also, I struggle to breathe. I breathe heavily while lying still in bed. Lung damage?

November 19, 2021:

Post 01:

Elon Musk is one of the richest men in the world. The amount of money he has is incomprehensible. These billionaires can end world hunger, poverty, suffering... But when Beanie Sanders says they need to be taxed, Musk said: "Bernie is a taker, not a maker." Is he for real?

Post 02:

Sometimes people in positions of power get warped, become delusional, think they're correct, even if they're not. But I don't see how a billionaire can justify in their mind having that amount of wealth, while there's homelessness, people starving. They must know they're evil.

Post 03:

I have less than 2,000 dollars in assets, am a disabled adult child, ranting on social media. If these billionaires wanted me to disappear, I'm completely powerless. Thankfully, I'm a joke. They probably laugh at me, not view me as an individual who'll bring great change.

Post 04:

When I do become super-rich and famous, everyone will portray me as a buffoon, like Mr. Bean, BROKEN Matt Hardy, The Joker. Billionaires will make the media ruin my credibility. They're not worried about a Schizoaffective adult child with no money taking their money and power.

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