Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Some Posts (11/14/2021 - 11/16/2021)

November 14, 2021:

Post 01:

An example of predicate logic: Taylor Swift posted "oh no my bestie is a bad bitch" about her friend Selena. Delusion: She knows of me. It's really a message directed at me.

My BFF and I call each other besties. Delusion: She's secretly having me be around HIV-positive people.

Post 02:

The reality is Taylor Swift doesn't know who I am and she's not giving me messages through her social media profile.

Secondly, my BFF isn't secretly having me be around HIV-positive people.

There I go again. Fantasy and daydreams became out of control. It's just a TikTok video.

Post 03:

Holidays are not the same anymore. I barely celebrate them. It's just another day except everything is closed.

I'm trapped in pointless, solitary confinement, fantasyland universe. Somebody help me!

Post 04:

I hope I FINALLY get to enjoy my life before I'm dead. I lost so much time, what were supposed to be my best years. I'm afraid time is running out for me and I'm dying. All evidence is I'm healthy, though. Nobody is going to arrive and transform my life. I need to do it myself!

November 15, 2021:

Post 01:

Sometimes people are reckless risk-takers for so long, the risks keep increasing, and increasing, and increasing. When the "accident" happens, what happened was so over-the-top, most people ignore the risks that didn't end in tragedy, but they could've many times before.

Post 02:

I'm in solitary confinement and need help. I'm left alone to dig my own grave. Rather than save myself, I keep digging, and digging, and digging.

Hopefully, there's some truth to my delusions. These people are nice, they'll save me, and make me successful... NOT crucify me.

November 16, 2021:

Post 01:

I was unsure if I had to file taxes because I earned money from selling artwork. According to my stepdad, I don't have to. He joked with me how I'm not going to be making Hunter Biden money from selling artwork. He has NO IDEA how much this artwork is going to be worth soon.

Post 02:

I feel gifted, too advanced, brilliant. I'm synced differently than most of society. Most people aren't on my level and it makes me feel guilty. Take my parents, I love them, but they're simple. They're not a SUPER GENIUS like me. I often feel alone in "another world." It sucks.

Post 03:

I try to relate and talk to people, but I'm functioning on a higher cosmic level. Aside from my BFF that I met at the psychosocial clubhouse, I don't have anybody I really communicate with. Even if I tried, I just feel too advanced, too different, it's very frustrating.

Post 04:

In real life, I hate when people "read my mind", getting stripped emotionally naked, so I wear a mask to hide and have bad anxiety.

Online, I reveal almost everything. It's very strange.

Post 05:

I popped a zit last night. This morning I went to the gym. I used the bathroom, then while walking on the treadmill, I accidently scratched it, it MAY HAVE reopened. Is this a contamination risk? Obviously I'm worried about HIV then solitude forever. Let it go. I'm fine. Right?

Post 06:

I'm listening to Limp Bizkit at the gym. I love how trash their act is, but it's so shocking and subversive, and annoyed all the boomers. Haha.

People have had enough with this WOKE nonsense, the evidence is: "Limp Bizkit" winning the 2016 presidential election. #OrangeManBad

Instead of dark, horrible, World War 2 history movie, having "Limp Bizkit" become the president's of the U.S.A., then an absurd comedy begins makes the same point, only nobody leaves the theater feeling bad, unless we want "Fred Durst" to turn into THE ORANGE MAN (super villain)!

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