Thursday, December 9, 2021

Some Posts (12/07/2021 - 12/09/2021)

December 7, 2021:

Post 01:

My dad stopped texting and calling me for a few days, so I texted him:

"Hey. I've tried calling you and texting you several times over the past few days - no reply, is everything ok."

He called and everything is fine. But it's triggering. Is he preparing for supreme court case?

Post 02:

Sometimes it feels like my relationship with my father is one big long con, he's going to betray me, and while he's duping me into thinking he loves me, he's really preparing for the supreme court case. The truth is they tortured me in ways you can't even imagine. Delusional?

Post 03:

I sit in solitary confinement, completely isolated from socialization for years, and years, and YEARS. I keep practicing my art, leveling up, growing stronger, and stronger. Like a sensational comic book movie, don't turn into a super villain, become a superhero and help others.

Post 04:

I know upon first hearing running all day long causing brain damage sounds absurd, but I don't think people comprehend I was exercising marathons every single day for half a decade. I wonder if the intensity or oxygen deprivation. I don't know. Maybe it messed up my brain?

December 8, 2021:

Post 01:

I asked God if the years of excessive running damaged my brain, then I heard a creek in the refrigerator/wall, I think this was God's way of letting me know that unfortunately, the exercise is responsible for damaging my brain.

Post 02:

In middle school, I wanted to sit at the cool kids table. I would ask God - will I ever be popular? Will I ever sit at the cool kids table? Many years have passed. Two decades. As I thought of that, I heard a creek in the wall. God's telling me I'm going to be rich and famous.

Post 03:

While walking past a restaurant to go to the gym. I wasn't looking in front of me, kept checking behind myself for contaminating hypodermic needles on the ground. Ironically, right in front of me was a mashed up, half eaten lemon, which I stepped on. Ahhhhh!

December 9, 2021:

Post 01:

At the gym, when I used the sink after using the restroom, my nail accidentally scratched the sink handle where everybody touches with dirty hands. Realize: THERE I GO AGAIN! Same broken record. It's unpleasant, but not going to contaminate and kill me.

Post 02:

I accidentally cut / nicked myself shaving, then I touched my keyboard and mouse that I often touch with gross hands, then touched the bloody wound. This isn't a contamination risk? It's THERE I GO AGAIN. Same broken record.

Post 03:

So many rich and famous people want to date and associate themselves with Pete Davidson. I remember listening to him on the radio when he was a nobody, thinking I'm so much funnier, more talented, more handsome. Now he's a millionaire who's living the good life. Life's not fair.

Post 04:

I wouldn't care so much that Pete Davidson was living the good life if I didn't KNOW I'm so much more talented than him at comedy, quicker wit, more handsome. He's a 28- year-old MILLIONAIRE, while I'm disabled with less than 2,000 dollars in my name at 34-years-old. I'm envious.

Post 05:

Sometimes I think I'm a scared man-child. But when I wear camouflage pants, a black tank top, and a black covid mask. I look like a military-trained comic book super-villain. I'm not this pathetic guy that bullies will target. Gotta get tough!

Post 06:

Sometimes I need to be more careful when I have diarrhea mouth. I'm not a mean-spirited guy. Sometimes I say insensitive things without intending to be mean. I'd never INTENTIONALLY offend people I care about. I'm a blabbermouth.

Post 07:

I was watching a video of a traumatized, neglected cat that was rescued. The cat was getting pet by a loving woman. The cat was happy/purring. I hope to meet my soulmate, and when she gives me love - I'll start purring. It's nice when people who have hard times find happiness. :)

Post 08:

Some say I'll never meet my dream woman sitting at home. I'm pouring my life down the drain. But so many people meet online in 2021. So maybe my soulmate is coming soon? Maybe I've met her already. She's waiting to arrive. I just gotta keep posting. Will my soulmate be beautiful?

Post 09:

Some say I'm "delusional", but I KNOW 100% I'm famous. Important people know who I am. I'm getting ready to be in an iconic comedy movie. Psychiatrists tell me there's no evidence of this. But I have this STRONG INTERNAL FEELING that it's true. Maybe I'm comforting my sadness.

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