Friday, December 17, 2021

Some Posts (12/16/2021 and 12/17/2021)

December 16, 2021:

Post 01:

I have a cut on my face. I'm not sure if it was open at the gym, or if I opened it during the shower at home. Needless to say, CONTAMINATION FEARS. Just let it go. Relax. I'm ok, safe, and sound. Everything is fine.

December 17, 2021:

Post 01:

Spider-Man was fun. This was the best of the three - and might be the best MCU movie.

There's something wrong with Dr. Strange. I think it's an evil multiverse Dr. Strange. I think there's TWO Dr. Strange.

But this fun movie was released at a bad time with Omicron. Dark cloud.

Post 02:

I'm sick with mental illness. I need socialization and happiness. I really appreciate my dad watching Spider-Man with me today. It wouldn't be the same without him. Enjoyed the movie. But was it stupid to go into a crowded movie theater with Omicron being so contagious?

Post 03:

I hope my father and I are ok after being in a movie theater during Omicron. Lately, it's been never-ending solitude, and seeing my dad for a fun movie was good for my mental health. Unfortunately, there's a pandemic we have to worry about too. People are dying from Omicron.

Post 04:

Forget NYC, comedy, acting, FORGET EVERYTHING... What I really want is a girlfriend. The love of my life, my soulmate, and we both adore each other. Somebody to spend the night over my apartment, or me at her house, like a sleepover. I'm 34-years-old and never truly had this.

Post 05:

Imagine watching movies with a cute girlfriend all night long, like a sleepover, that'd be like a dream come true.

It's a normal reality for most people my age. They have a life with a woman.

Solitary confinement is a NIGHTMARE. It's HELL ON EARTH.

Somebody, rescue me...

Post 06:

I'm sure some people view my social media and are reluctant to date me because of my CONTAMINATION FEARS obsessing. I'm HEALTHY, CLEAN, there's nothing to worry about. It's my mental illness, not a physical illness. Though, mental illness scares most women away too. :P

Post 07:

I'm going into NYC tomorrow. It's the first time I'm seeing my mental health friends in weeks. I'm performing comedy. But Omicron is getting very scary and the city is full of crime. My friends paid a lot of money and I don't want to disappoint them. I'm afraid this is unsafe.

Post 08:

I want my nightmare of a life to have a feel-good Hollywood ending. I've suffered tremendously. But it's time for me to be loved and experience happiness.

[joke] With my luck, I'll probably get Omicron after getting attacked by a criminal on the subway in NYC, then die. [/joke]

Post 09:

Some people experience very few happy days in their lives. I'm an example of this. My life has been pain and suffering. I'm daydreaming that it has to get better. I can't die when my whole life has been one big nightmare. Surly, my feel-good Hollywood ending is coming.

Post 10:

Accept that my entire life can be unimaginable horror and then I can randomly get murdered by a criminal in NYC never experiencing a happy day in my life. Life's not fair. Some people, like the rich and famous, live the "good life." Me, I'm living a pointless painful existence.

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