Saturday, December 11, 2021

Some Posts (12/10/2021 and 12/11/2021)

November 10, 2021:

Post 01:

I have some gigantic acne on my face. While I was working out on the treadmill at the public gym, I accidentally scratched my zits. When I looked in the mirror after the workout, they weren't bleeding, open, popped yet. But the gym is gross and I'm worried about contamination.

Post 02:

I just clipped my fingernails. One or two of the nails I clipped WAY TOO SHORT. I'm afraid it's like an open cut, contamination fears, and I'll be going to the gym tomorrow. THERE I GO AGAIN! My entire life up until now I'd bite my fingernails low and there was never an issue.

November 11, 2021:

Post 01:

A nightmare at the gym came true. I accidently scratched the soap dispenser in the bathroom with my nail that I accidently clipped too low yesterday. Is this like an open cut and contamination risk? I'm trying to relax, tell myself THERE I GO AGAIN, and let it go. Kiss it up to God!

Post 02:

To be honest, I really don't feel like going into New York City anymore, especially dangerous neighborhoods.

I'm scheduled to perform comedy on December 18th in NYC.

People could be scared of me, so don't stigmatize others... But I just want to be safe and sound in the suburbs.

Post 03:

I'm wasting my life, safe and sound, at home. I'm frustrated by the solitude. I hardly interact with anyone. Same day, again, and again. ALL BY MYSELF. I'm told to go to recovery groups. I don't want to be in high-risk, dangerous situations. I want to be protected from harm.

Post 04:

I don't want to go to the psychosocial clubhouse, New York City, and mental health recovery groups because I'm afraid for my safety...

It's kind of ironic, "normal" people probably don't want to associate with me because they're afraid for their safety. I'm truly harmless.

Post 05:

I can't take EVERY SINGLE DAY with no social interaction with peers. Solitary confinement is excruciating, torturous. Where is my magical soulmate woman? Nobody is coming to rescue me. I'm pouring my life down the drain, doing the same exact things. HELP ME!

Post 06:

I'm daydreaming any day now I'm going to become EXTREMELY rich and famous. Why aren't they liberating me from my suffering? The sad reality is because I have no secret admirer who is capable of liberating me. Even while saying this, I believe I'm going to be rescued any day now.

Post 07:

I can't stand doing the same things every single day. So stop doing the same things every single day. Put myself out there in the real world. Try to socialize. Eventually I'll find a woman who won't reject me. I'll be much less frustrated. Socialization is needed for recovery.

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