Thursday, August 4, 2022

Some Posts (08 03 2022 - 08 04 2022)

August 3, 2022:

Post 01:

The bat in the house didn't have rabies. But the ER still recommends getting shots 3 and 4. Would you? I half completed the vaccine. Can the rabies vaccine CAUSE rabies if you don't complete it? I was never exposed to a rabid animal.

Post 02:

Somebody asked where I even got the information that a half completed rabies vaccine can cause rabies. They infect you with a dead rabies virus for your body to fight with the vaccine, no? So they introduce rabies into your body. The only exposure I had to rabies was the vaccine.

Post 03:

I wish I never started the rabies vaccine to begin with. Tomorrow I need to make the decision whether I'll get shot three or abort half completed. The ER suggests I finish it. But it's making me feel like trash. I can't wait until this rabies nightmare is over. It's been hell.

Post 04:

Adverse side effects to rabies vaccine... I have a lump in the throat and difficulty swallowing, but that might be from my EoE and acid reflux, I'm having bad diarrhea, rapid heart beat, muscle spasms, I simply feel a little sick.

Post 05:

A nightmare my parents brought to life for me - The Rabies Vaccine

August 4, 2022:

Post 01:

Are you 100% sure not completing the rabies vaccine can't cause rabies? Because I'm feeling sick from it and wasn't even exposed to a rabid animal. Why put my body through the remaining two doses unless I have to. Can the vaccine transmit rabies?

Post 02:

I'm angry at my mom for forcing me to get the rabies vaccine. Of course, she'll take no accountability, not empathize, or even apologize for what she forced me to go through. She'll only cry about how the rabies vaccine affected her. Her insanity could've killed me.

Post 03:

Dr Natural said: "There is zero chance you will contract rabies from a vaccine.  The vaccine is not a live organism." Is this still true even if I don't complete all the shots? Even if I don't get 3 and 4? I'm supposed to get 3 today. I was never exposed to a rabid animal.

Post 04:

The only exposure I had to rabies was from a vaccine I didn't even want to get to begin with. I half completed the vaccine, but it's making me sick. Can the vaccine transmit rabies? The only exposure to rabies I've had is through the vaccine. I'm told it's dead and can't transmit.

Post 05:

When I start to get a negative daydream tsunami that my mother had me get the rabies vaccine to murder me, realize in her warped mind she thought she was helping me, and had herself and other family members get it too. It's INSANITY. She's not well. It's not attempted murder.

Post 06:

I have an appointment with Dr. Natural today. I've all but decided to not complete the rabies vaccine. I was never exposed to a rabid animal. This whole thing was a nightmare from hell created by my mother. She put herself through it too. It's just insanity. Not calculated.

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