Sunday, August 14, 2022

Some Posts (08 13 2022 - 08 14 2022)

August 13, 2022:

Post 01:

To people who choose to misunderstand and diagnosis me as "psychopath" from the comfort of your home... It's not true. People suggested it. I asked my psychiatrist and we cited examples where I felt extreme empathy and guilt. Believe what you want to. I'm bitter and depressed.

Post 02:

You might ask: why don't you empathize with your parents. It's because I blame them for torturing me. I want revenge on my parents.

I'm crying out for a loving, genuine, empathetic relationship where someone truly understands me, not abuses me or uses me for my upcoming fame.

Post 03:

I'm not the psychopath. I was tortured by psychopaths. I want revenge on psychopaths. Yes, I come across disturbed, cold, and severely mentally ill. But the reality is I'm actually not a psychopath. Believe what you want to. Misunderstand me. Everybody else does. I don't care.

Post 04:

I have an interesting theory the EoE might be the Dawn soap I'm using on my dishes. It could be an allergic reaction that that. I honestly have no idea, though. I'm just ASSUMING.

Post 05:

Because I have EoE I was prescribed Rabeprazole by my gastrologist. I am getting muscle spasms from it. It can cause heart problems. It was also causing bad diarrhea. So I stopped taking it, now acid reflux is bad again. I don't know why this is happening. I wish it wasn't.

Post 06:

Is there a female secret admirer out there who is interested in going on a date with me? I'm single. Am from Long Island, New York. Don't hesitate to reach out and say hello. If you're cute, most likely I won't reject you.

Don't be shy. Say "hi."

I'm looking for a relationship

Post 07:

Awesome, a self-sustaining city on Mars. I can't wait until U.S.A. and China go to war over having more land on Mars. We need to make sure Mars has "freedom."

Post 08:

People look at The Beatles as mythical figures. The reality is they're extremely overrated.

So here's my list of Beatles songs that inspired me in life the most:

My Sweet Lord by George Harrison

You're Sixteen by Ringo Starr

Freedom by Paul McCartney

Love Me Do by The Beatles

In the Paul McCartney song Freedom, he says he will fight for the right to live in freedom. In what way will he fight? Will he join the military? Or will he post memes on social media or talk as a celebrity on TV? It seems like poor people go to war for rich people's freedom.

Post 09:

Before you judge people who get into adult entertainment for money, I'm assuming many of them are desperate for money and freedom. If they were dealt a better hand and were a rich CEO, they would never turn to that career choice. Unfortunately, it might be that or homelessness.

August 14, 2022:

Post 01:

I'm coming to a realization my mother and stepfather really were monsters who were trying to kill me while creating the facade they weren't... And my father helped me expose it without telling me he was doing it. Or am I getting the "delusions" again? IT'S THEIR GASLIGHTING!

Post 02:

Even if my mother and stepfather aren't sadistic torturers, they certainly aren't happy that I'm about to succeed. I'm about to rise. They can't even fake being happy for me. They want to see me fail. All they want for me is to be in a constant state of pain and suffering.

Post 03:

My mother THOUGHT she was a criminal mastermind who'd get away with torturing me... She thought she'd kill me and nothing would ever happen to her. It's so satisfying to see karma happening. Her crime is getting exposed. It's so obvious her "love" is a facade now..

Post 04:

I noticed my EoE always gets worse after I eat my mother's food. Could she sadistically and nefariously be squirting some dish soap into my dinners to poison me? Am I having an allergic reaction to poison she puts in my food? If I don't trust her then cook for myself.

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