Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Some Posts (08 03 2022)

Post 01:

I'm afraid if I half complete the rabies vaccine I'll get rabies from vaccine... Is that a legitimate risk? I wasn't exposed to a rabid animal.

The ER recommended I complete dose 3 and 4.

Post 02:

I'll talk to Dr. Natural tomorrow, but he isn't an expert on if half completing the rabies vaccine can CAUSE rabies.

Post 03:

I had an emotional tsunami over the rabies vaccine today. It's making me feel like trash. I'm stressed and really need a hug.

It's just been a nightmare and I want to scream out the pain... But it's going to be ok.

Post 04:

The rabies vaccine should've never happened. But it did. It's going to get better. Don't get overwhelmed.

I was getting delusional and yelled at my mom today. I'm sorry for yelling. I am feeling like garbage, am stressed, overwhelmed and was having an emotional tsunami.

Post 05:

Obviously, there's more than just the rabies vaccine that caused me to snap. Months of being solitary is definitely contributing to the frustration as well. But reacting in a rage is not appropriate. I just want a peer to love me and give me a hug. I want warmth from a girlfriend.

Post 06:

The guy at the Subway sandwich shop could see the excruciating emotional pain I was in today just by the expression on my face. I don't even know him, but he empathetically gave me a free cookie just to be kind because he could tell I was having a bad day.

Post 07:

The free cookie was actually a gross nut cookie, but at least it was kind gesture. I wish he gave me chocolate chip. But when somebody gives you a cookie empathetically for free because you're having a bad day you can't start saying, "now give me chocolate chip instead."

Post 08:

Obviously, with my previous post about the cookie, I'm lightening the stress with a little comedy. Some people get lost in stress, chaos, high emotion, horror, and pain. It's good to occasionally lighten the mood in really bad times. It doesn't all have to be doom and gloom.

Post 09:

Actually, comedy was a bright spot in an otherwise bad week. My performance actually went pretty well yesterday. Though, it was a little long. It's a fun night out of the house. Basically, I need lots of fun nights out of the house.

Post 10:

I don't know if the textbook psychiatry term for getting overwhelmed by stress and high emotion, snapping, then becoming lost in psychosis is "a negative daydream tsunami." Maybe it's not well put by me. But in sessions, I say my mother drove me to "a negative daydream tsunami."

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