Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Kanye West (mental illness on social media)

Kanye West is making posts on Twitter that make it seem like he's having a meltdown. Everyone was talking about how unwell he sounded. Then he says... by the way, my new album is coming out Friday.

I'm sure he has bipolar disorder, severe mental illness. But he's sensationalizing his mental illness to sell rap records. That's disgusting and despicable.

You might say, isn't that what you're doing, Andrew with your "wrestling character"?! I disagree. I think I'm trying to make profound points to empower people. Not make myself look like a "freak show" on social media to get everyone talking, then promote my "upcoming record."

Some people say: you can't fake what Kanye's doing. Maybe he is having a manic episode, psychosis, and severe mental illness. Maybe. But he is exaggerating it. Maybe it's not about promoting himself to make money. But having a sensational meltdown helps no one besides telling a BROKEN Matt Hardy-like freak show story about mental illness.

Dr. Natural often tells me to lose The Joker (comic book) character, especially if I want to advocate for mental illness. I now see why. Don't exploit my condition for financial gain, help people, don't make a joke out of it.

Tell a REAL STORY, and INSPIRATIONAL STORY, not a sensational story about a madman. Yes, it gets everyone talking. But it makes you look like a freak. And doesn't help people with mental illness.

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