Thursday, July 16, 2020

Some Posts (07 16 2020)

Post 01:
I want to know the truth.

Is a rockstar my biological father?

Is a pop superstar madly in love with me?

I daydream, but that's all it is... Delusional daydreams.

I need to accept my daydreams aren't real.

Post 02:
I'm more talented, smarter, took greater risks than most artists ever have. I worked so hard. I really deserve to be rewarded... Like now. If there is a magical savior, guardian angel out there, hit the start button on the fun. It's time.

Post 03:
Although it might be funny if Syd Barrett is my biological father, down deep, I want it to be my dad (Bob K). I want my friends to like me for me, I want to think I earned success myself. Basically, I hope my entire existence wasn't one big lie.

Post 04:
I look at posts dated years ago, which may or may not be about me. It can be spooky.

I saw posts in the present, then go back years later, reread them with a new leash on life, having evolved, and think wow I was asleep.

They can ALMOST predict the future. Though, no one can.

Post 05:
I know time travel doesn't exist. But seeing something from 2008 that you finally understand in 2020, but you can't talk to that person anymore. It's surreal and spooky. Time keeps ticking. Someday, someone might be creeped out by my old social media posts when I'm long gone.

Post 06:
Remember the future is unforeseeable. You can plan. But something can happen that changes everything TODAY. This is why don't wait and plan... Enough is enough. Hit the start button on the fun imaginary friends. If not now, it may be never. I'm assuming there's someone out there.

Post 07:
The "rust" on the fence has gotten bigger. It looks like someone is smearing blood, though, my mom says it's rust. It looks like hand prints, fingerprints. I think someone is nefariously trying to poison me with HIV. But it's probably the same delusional panic attack again.

Post 08:
If I really think about it, even if a psychopath did want to poison me with HIV... the smear blood on my fence plan doesn't make sense. It's like Dr. Evil from Austin Powers. We're going to put him in an easily escapable situation and hope everything goes to plan.

Post 09:
Assuming I'm delusional that I'm going to become rich and famous soon. What would a psychopaths motivation be for smearing HIV blood on my fence anyway? That I'm wholesome, kind, and shine brightly. Evil people hate good vibrations? Jealousy? There's no money in it for them.

Post 10:
There's truth to people can see you shine brightly, sense the good vibrations, and bully you because they're jealous. Sometimes it's evil kids in middle school, or a sketchy criminal at the train station, or an angry waiter at a restaurant. I want to be safe and sound, no bullies.

Post 11:
I was a happy kid. A little anxious. I had good vibrations, shined brightly, and sadistic bullies in middle school intensified my fear of the world. I became agoraphobic and socially anxious because of them. I felt damaged and developed mental illness. Now I want to hide.

Post 12:
According to my doctor, because of what I went through in middle school, I think everyone in the real world is a SADISTIC MONSTER. The bullies terrified and traumatized me. Unfortunately, the world isn't as scary as I think. I wasted so much time hiding from it in daydream land.

Post 13:
I guess my school district educated me. But the the biggest thing it gave me was childhood trauma and severe mental illness. I'm a 32 year old, dependent manchild, who's terrified of the real world. So I live in delusional daydreams on the internet.

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