Wednesday, July 15, 2020


I'm on a mega regimen of psychiatric medication and it's so unnecessary. I know people who are MUCH SICKER THAN ME, and every single one of them is on significantly less medication. I know because I asked.

When I was on just Risperdal and had a girlfriend I was doing just fine. I think THAT DELUSION has a lot to do with the frustration of being home with my parents, dependency, and having no friends.

Maybe I might need a little Inverga for the "celebrities know who I am" delusion. But I think getting life in the real world will eliminate those daydreams too.:

Right now I'm on:
Invega 9 mg at night once a day
Lamotrigine (Lamictal) 125 mg once a day
Latuda 40 mg at night once a day
Lithium 300 mg
(Xanax .25 (as needed))
Cabergoline 2 mg weekly
Levothyroxine (thyroid) 75 mg (for thyroid adverse effects)
Ondansetron 4mg at night (so not to throw up, Latuda/Invega adverse effect)
Rivastigmine 3 mg twice a day (so 3 in the morning, 3 at night) (for Memory/adverse effect), so 6 mg

I just came down on Lithium with my doctor, from 600 mg to 300 mg. I'm starting to feel like a real person again. I feel happiness, sadness, don't feel so numb. And that's only a SLIGHT REDUCTION.

I want to come down ASAP. I just asked my mom to make an appointment sooner. I'm so ready. Obviously, I'm going to do this safely with my doctor. But I'm so frustrated and angry it got to this point. It was my mom's fault. I must stop listening to mommy, she'll make my nightmares come true (to quote Pink Floyd) - and I'll be chemically lobotomized. Unfortunately, she pays for my doctor so she has a lot of influence. 

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