Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Good Delusions, Olivia Rodrigo, Tom Holland

So obviously, I get persecutory delusions that people conspired into giving me an HIV scare and were pharmacologically abusing me.

But I also get "good delusions" that rich, powerful, and interesting people like me. For example, my buddy Sam resembles actor Tom Holland. Don't come to a feeling of conviction he is Tom Holland. The photographs he's taken where he appears like he is Tom Holland - maybe they're trolling me. The same is true for my art class buddy - maybe she isn't "Olivia Rodrigo." Maybe I'm not friends with "Olivia Rodrigo" and "Tom Holland." Maybe I'm friends with my art class buddy and Sam. There are no hidden realities. Everything is exactly as it appears to be. Try not to dig beneath the surface, and say I'm friends with "Tom Holland" and "Olivia Rodrigo" in disguise. That's not so.

Although there's a resemblance between this woman and Olivia Rodrigo - Although there's a resemblance between Sam and Tom Holland - don't come to a feeling of conviction that I'm literally hanging out with the actor and pop star. That's delusional.

Accept who they are at FACE VALUE. They are interesting people. Don't think of them as "not interesting." They are VERY INTERESTING.

Stop trying to discover a good hidden reality where they'll pull off the mask, say: "I'm an actor and I'm a pop star" and they're going to rescue me from my sad and empty life. It's a suspicion I'm coming to a feeling of conviction about AKA a delusion..

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