Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Schizoaffective Disorder

I'm struggling with schizoaffective disorder. My posts stand out because they're especially disturbing. The disability lifestyle is hell on earth. People see I'm struggling and can't really help me. They send THOUGHTS and PRAYERS. But thoughts and prayers don't do much to help me.

I believe some of these people sincerely wish me the best. But I need a real intervention. Some people have it easier, it's really hard for me. I'm not really sure what the problem is. However, I think having no money is a big piece. Keep on fighting. I'll get tougher, and tougher.

I'm 36. A disabled adult. I'm single. I have no money. My parents control most of my money. I'm not sure if it's genetic or traumatic life experiences - I think it's trauma. Schizoaffective is like schizophrenia for those who don't understand.

I was severely bullied when I was younger, never developed my social skills, then spent a lot of time alone in my head in a daydreamland. I often can't distinguish fantasy from reality. My daydreams become reality. I come to feelings of conviction about what I suspect (DELUSIONS).

Right now, there's an illusion of protection. My mother is protecting me. But when she inevitably passes away I'll be screwed. I'll probably wind up in a group home, or assisted living, or the psychiatric hospital, or homeless if I don't become independent and self-sufficient.

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