Friday, April 19, 2024

Just Confess

I'm not "delusional." They're sexual sadists who were getting pleasure from my suffering. It's OBVIOUS. I ask them to confess the truth. I'm not trying to start an argument. There's clearly secrets. I want them to communicate. It's just a matter of how bad their deception is.

I wish they'd stop lying and be transparent with me. I SUSPECT they had NEFARIOUS INTENTIONS. It's pretty obvious they did.

I know. They know I know. I know they know I know. Yet they STILL LIE.

Just confess the truth already.

They tell me to "take my medication as prescribed" - which I have been. They say there's nothing for them to confess. The 3C's. CCC - catch it, check it, change it. Stop the emotional tsunami. The SADISTIC PERSECUTORS were the bullies from 25 years ago, correct? No one currently.

Let's call a spade a spade here, was my father (Robert Koloski) raping me in my childhood? I don't have a memory of getting raped. No one has corroborated it either. They say traumatic mental blocks don't exist. But I SUSPECT he was and my mother is aware too. Catch it. Emotional.

I've successfully recovered from the "my parents are pedophiles" DELUSIONS. It's been replaced by the HIV scare was PREMEDITATED and they were pharmacologically abusing me through negligent Dr. Coplan. Realize I'm coming to a feeling of conviction about what I SUSPECT.

Am I really suffering in solidarity being involuntarily celibate? Yes. But it's not a credible idea that my mother, father, and stepfather are SADISTIC DECEIVERS and SEXUAL SADISTS who were metaphorically raping me. I'm really suffering. But they love me and want the best for me.

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