Tuesday, June 27, 2023

HIV Scare Posts (06 27 2023) - 2

Post 01:

Can somebody tell me the truth and stop mocking me and turning me into a laughingstock? They intended to give me the HIV scare to torture me. Can somebody just admit what is obviously true? Why would these psychopaths do this to me? ADMIT IT!

Post 02:

Hello FBI, Kelly Han conspired with others with premeditated intent to give me an HIV scare on January 1, 2020 at the Dirty French lounge in New York City. I was vulnerable and needed mental health recovery and she metaphorically raped me by getting me to take PrEP.

Post 03:

I was going to the Fountain House for mental health recovery. I was broken, at rock bottom, and had been living in a solitary fantasy world for years. Kelly Han is a psychopath who instead of helping me, decided to etch a metaphor rape into my psyche. She should be in prison.

Post 04:

It's not predicate logic or idea of reference delusions, they are admitting in photographs on social media the HIV scare going to happen prior to it happening. I was naive and gullible. Instead of helping me, the Fountain House traumatized me worse than I already was traumatized.

Post 05:

Kelly Han hurt me with premeditated intent, she metaphorically raped me, and there is nothing I can do about it because in the United States of America metaphoric rape is not a crime in the court of law. If it's not illegal, it should be illegal. Sadly, all I can do is say it.

Post 06:

They're fucking bullies, monsters, torturers who should be in prison and I can't do a damn thing because because they'll say it was "my choice" which is complete bullshit. They gaslit me into taking PrEP to make me feel HIV positive because they're SADISTIC and EVIL.

Post 07:

They're probably laughing, find my suffering hot and funny. Realistically, they should be locked in prison for rape, but that's not going to happen. They metaphorically raped me when I was vulnerable and needed help and will simply get away with having tortured me for no reason.

Post 08:

The metaphoric rape drove me to madness. I was in the poor person's psychiatric hospital because of the trauma they put me through. There's without question premeditated intent. I just have to accept it and move on with my life.

Post 09:

These psychopaths should be stripped of their money and power and locked in the poor person's prison, like I was locked in the poor person's psychiatric hospital because of the trauma they put me through.

Post 10:

I can't see how that was ever good intent here. Assuming they wanted it to end like "The Beatles." But they probably never expected me to expose what they did. "The Beatles" is revisionist history.

It's going to end with me being viewed like Elizabeth Smart, not John Lennon.

Post 11:

I feel like I'm going to snap and come unglued. It's from the trauma of having gotten metaphorically raped and nobody caring about me whatsoever. I just want to scream at the top of my lungs. I want to punch a hole in the wall and scream "somebody empathize with and love me."

Post 12:

The metaphorically raped a vulnerable mental patient who needed somebody to love him. I thought the fountain house was supposed to be a clubhouse that helped people. Instead, when I was already at rock bottom, they gave me the most traumatic experience in my life for no reason.

Post 13:

Assuming they wanted revenge for God knows what. Maybe they disliked my father? Maybe I'm actually Vince McMahon's son and it's like the movie Double Jeopardy for The Blue Blazer? What they did was give someone who was already broken the most traumatic event of his life.

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