Sunday, June 18, 2023

Some Posts (06 18 2023)

Post 01:

I ruined Father's Day and I'm sorry for doing so. I was getting an emotional tsunami (delusional) that my father is keeping a major secret from me. I suspected he was a millionaire Hollywood comedy writer, has a second "cooler family", and they've been lying for my whole life.

My Mother said:

"Andrew...your remaining focused on BS.  Your not going to groups , FH, job NAMI, school.  Your sealing your fate to a group facility to be taken care of.   You MUST do recovery and put things in place when you get tsunami thinking.  You can hsve a life but if you sit around focusing on BS your not going to reach hapoy life goals.  You want this pattern  sit sll day writing BS online.  You don t want recovery or you d push, you d do the work.  We are all burned out its every day.  You gotta decide life or fantasy being cared for.   We are too old open your eyes.  Your sealing your fate.  Stop move ahead......Or not"

Post 02:

I don't need  Clozapine - I need someone to acknowledge I'm not delusional. My parents have been lying to and gaslighting me for my whole life.

Am I getting emotional / delusional. My parents love me. They're not deceiving monsters behind a mask?

Dr. Coplan said: 

"Clozaril will hopefully eliminate these delusional periods"

Post 03:

My mother and father are basically admitting at this point how they're sexual sadists who were trying to give me cancer, a stroke, life-threatening illness. I was like Elizabeth Smart. It was never a delusion.

Post 04:

Or am a getting an emotional daydream tsunami? My mother loves me. She was not keeping me involuntarily celibate in solitary confinement to torture me. She's not like Hitler who was putting me through the metaphoric Holocaust in the United States of America.

Post 05:

Quite frankly, Dr Coplan and Dr Garrett are wrong. My mother, father, and stepfather are sexual sadists who were aware what they were doing. They got Dr. Coplan to negligently prescribe medication to murder me pharmacologically. They were only creating a facade they were helping.

Post 06:

My parents are sexual sadists. They were getting sadistic pleasure from putting me through unimaginable pain and suffering. It's never been a delusion. I was put through the metaphoric Holocaust in the United States of America.

Post 07:

In response to my question about Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) the autoimmune allergic condition I developed. I asked: Could medications have caused it? I asked him in his nonprofessional opinion, off the record.

Dr. Coplan said: "No I don’t think so in a non-professional role"

Post 08:

In response to my question about Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) the autoimmune allergic condition I developed. I asked: Could medications have caused it? I asked him in his nonprofessional opinion, off the record.

Dr. Coplan said: 

"No I don’t think so in a non-professional role"

My gastroenterologist said: 

"Andrew, We do not know why some people develop eosinophilic esophagitis. You can consult with an allergist to answer your questions regarding triggers but be advised that in most cases we can not identify the triggers."

Dr.. Coplan said (a few days ago): 

"This is the only case I have ever heard of of Eosinophilic esophagitis that was from

Meds. I think it’s an allergic phenomenon."

Post 09:

Basically, no one knows what causes EoE, but Dr. Coplan suspects it's allergies and not medications that caused it.

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