Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Some Posts (06 21 2023)

Post 01:

I suspect they metaphorically raped me on January 1, 2020 because they ASSUMED someone else was my biological father. That's what they were being led to believe. But they were lied to. It's probably someone like Syd Barrett from Pink Floyd. They don't like this Vince Russo swerve

Post 02:

I'm about to reach legendary status and they'll look like monsters who hurt me for absolutely no reason, likely caused my EoE, and probably took years off my life.

Post 03:

I keep asking... Does anybody else think I resemble Syd Barrett from Pink Floyd? Even if I look identical to him, his carbon copy, don't daydream he's my biological father. It's a fun daydream. But it's not real life. Give up the fantasyland. Live in the real world.

Dr. Garrett said on (01/18/2022): 

"Because people aren't infinitely unique, everyone looks a bit lots of other people in the world.  I look a bit like some famous people, and I am sure I look a bit like some people who are not wealthy.  I probably look a bit like a few people who are in jail if I looked hard enough at a lot of jailhouse pictures.  Why not?   But you are selective in your imagination.  You only think about the rich, interesting, famous people you look a bit like.  Why don't you assume that you are the son of a guy who drives a bus or has some other modest station in life to whom you bear a resemblance?  We know the answer to that."

Post 04:

Also, don't assume they INTENDED to give me the HIV scare. Maybe Kelly was scared of HIV herself and New Year's 2020 was a complete accident. Maybe I was getting monster behind a mask delusions about her and she's actually a good person.

Dr. Garrett said on (08 23 2021):


Here is a mantra that may be of use to you.  It is worth repeating, committing to memory, so it comes to mind easily when you react to a situation.

The fact that I feel a certain way in response to an event does not necessarily mean that the other parties present INTENDED that I feel that way."

"For example, I was driving last weekend when I came to a traffic junction where a policemen directed me to a detour that was out of my way.  I felt irritated by the delay and being routed to a road I was not familiar with but the policemen did not re-direct me because he INTENDED to frustrate me.  Just because you have emotional reactions to things does not mean the other person did something with the premeditated INTENT of upsetting you.  

Or here's a shorter version of the mantra.  THINK ABOUT THE EVENT, BUT LEAVE OUT THE INTENT."

Post 05:

Now I'm thinking Dr. Garrett intended to give me the HIV scare. He's the deceiving "monster behind a mask" who was gaslighting me about my parents, friends, and Kelly. He's the one who brought up the hypodermic needle. Realize it was an ACCIDENT that no one INTENDED to happen.

Post 06:

In response to accusing my mom and dad to INTENTIONALLY get me to take PrEP.

My father said: 

"It is a waste of time arguing with you. Why do you need to constantly bother posting your thoughts? There is no point answering or arguing. You do not care about the truth nor reality. All you want is a victory of your beliefs and illusions. No matter how much lack of evidence there is, you refuse to acknowledge or understand. You are only blinded by ego, heated and resentment. All you want is to be right at any cost. Even when you are wrong. "

Post 07:

About my father, like the Aristotle proverb goes: 

"liars when they speak the truth are not believed"

Post 08:

Maybe I need to accept no one INTENDED to hurt me. It was an accident. I want to believe they're not psychopaths that would go this far to INTENTIONALLY hurt me. But it's hard to trust liars.

Post 09:

Even if nobody intended for the HIV scare to happen, nobody has ever shown me any empathy about it. Nobody has ever said "sorry it happened." It's almost like nobody cared at all. They treated me like a burden and laughing stock while I was metaphorically dying.

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