Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Psychopharmacologist Posts (10 19 2022)

Post 01:

I'm certain my psychopharmacologist negligently killed me with the mega regimen of medications I was taking for ten years which he prescribed. It was not my choice to take them. My mother FORCED me to. But who cares about me? I'm just a powerless poor boy? My life doesn't matter.

Post 02:

If it was my psychopharmacologists family, friend, a millionaire's son, or some important person he was treating, would he be as quick to prescribe the mega regimen of medications? I don't think so. Frankly, he thought I was a doomed poor boy. If he killed me it didn't matter.

Post 03:

In hindsight, now that I'm going to be rich and famous, my psychopharmacologist might try to use revisionist history. The truth is he knew my parents were victim blaming, was happy to collect their massive paycheck, and simply didn't care if he killed me. I was nothing to him.

Post 04:

My psychopharmacologist might try to claim I NEEDED the mega regimen of medications which ultimately killed me. Perhaps. Did I want to take that unnatural shit? No fucking way. My mother was forcing me to and was threatening me with homelessness if I didn't comply with doctor.

Post 05:

My parents were portraying me as being much sicker than I was to the psychopharmacologist. They were the true monsters. They were victim blaming me, controlling my narrative, gaslighting me, making me out to be the craziest of crazy. So of course he prescribed a mega regimen.

Post 06:

The narrative that my parents presented to my psychopharmacologist is bullshit. I wasn't as crazy as they said I was. My mother almost needed me to be ill because it gave her some power and purpose. But this is not a sick game. They all negligently killed me with the medications.

Post 07:

The reason I was so sick to begin with is because I was being traumatized and tortured by my psychopathic parents. What my psychopharmacologist should've done is gotten me away from the torturers, not chemically lobotomize me so I mindlessly submit to their SADISTIC abuse.

Post 08:

Even if my parents weren't intentionally trying to murder me with the mega regimen of medications they had my psychopharmacologist prescribe. I suspect they were. They were trying to murder me. But even if they weren't, somebody should've used common sense and realized the danger

Post 09:

My parents deserve to be in jail for attempted murder and sadistic torture which was intentionally inflicted. My psychopharmacologist needs to be sued for negligence. All of these people are responsible for ruining my life. Sadly, there's no chance in hell I can prove the torture

Post 10:

If I tried to put them all in jail, they'd play one of my sensationalistic social media posts, it'd make the whole thing look like a farce. It'd get laughed out of court. The reality is my parents intentionally tried to murder me and got sadistic sexual pleasure from my suffering

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