Monday, October 17, 2022

Some Posts (10 16 12022 - 10 17 2022)

October 16, 2022:

Post 01:

I have a premonition something bad is about to happen to me. Accept it. Don't lose your faith.

Post 02:

I'm attractive, funny, and smart... I'm just mentally unstable.

Post 03:

I apologize if I came across as a downer tonight, I was just a little depressed, but believe me it was really fun socializing with everyone and great to get out. It was an experience unlike anything I've ever had before. I appreciate your kindness and doing this for me. Sorry.

Post 04:

If you want to make friends and keep them, you have to behave appropriately. Otherwise, they'll decide they no longer want to be your friend. If you behave like a downer and make everyone depressed... Frankly, they'll choose to hang out with somebody who makes them happy instead.

Post 05:

Overall, it was just a really fun day for me. Don't think too hard about it and be overly critical analyzing how I behaved at the lounge. I did have fun there too. I just feel like I need help and don't know what to do, but I am kind of getting help in the form of friendship.

Post 06:

Sorry, I should've offered you one of my coconut shrimps. I was hungry and they looked delicious. It was clear you wanted one. And I proceeded to share none. Am I really sorry? Probably not. Glad I ate them. But I probably should have shared them to be a good friend. :P

Post 07:

You might think I'm a cold person. I'm actually not when I'm happy. At the moment I feel emotionally empty and cold - so that's what I radiate to others. When I'm happy, I radiate warmth and happy energy. I think a girlfriend is the ticket to becoming happy, but that's not true.

Post 08:

I have pretty good intuition and can sense when somebody is a bad person. Dogs can sense somebody's vibrations. Pay attention. If a dog who loves everyone is growling at somebody and is disturbed by them, chances are, the dog picks up on something a little sketchy and nefarious.

October 17, 2022:

Post 01:

I'm certain I have terminal illness. I was intentionally MURDERED by my parents while they were creating a facade they were trying to help me. Remember this is an emotional tsunami. My parents didn't want to give me cancer. There's no medical evidence that I have cancer... Yet.

Post 02:

My parents were intentionally depriving me of a life, financial independence, friendships, forcing me to take a mega regimen of cancer-causing psychiatric medications, chemically lobotomizing me... It's NO DELUSION. MY PARENTS WERE GETTING SADISTIC PLEASURE FROM MY SUFFERING.

Post 03:

I need freedom from these sadistic torturers RIGHT THIS SECOND. I most likely have TERMINAL ILLNESS. Time is running out for me and my life has been unimaginable pain and suffering. I'm fucking dying, nobody gives a shit, they're still telling my what a loser and burden I am.

Post 04:

I'll never be able to prove it in the supreme court, they'll play one of my videos and my whole case will look like a sensationalistic farce. The truth is they knew the psychiatric medications and isolation were killing me and they got pleasure from watching me die. Fact!

Post 05:

I need to remind myself there is no negligence or intentional murder going on, both my psychopharmacologist and parents were looking to help me. That doesn't mean they were correct. But with the evidence they had at the time they thought they were making the right decision.

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