Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Sadistic Parents Posts (10 26 2022)

Post 01:

I SUSPECT my mother intentionally left a toxic ant trap right under my bed so I'd breathe toxic air every night. Basically, she was trying to murder me with cancer while creating a facade she had no clue. She knew. I'll never be able to prove it and my responsibility to clean.

Post 02:

I'm assuming my mother contaminated the ant trap, poured water on it, and smeared slime everywhere so I'd breathe in toxic cancer-causing chemicals for years - which I proceeded to do. Will I even be able to prove my mother was trying to murder me with cancer? No chance in hell.

Post 03:

It was never a delusion. My parents are sexual perverts, psychopaths, like serial killers. They made me live through Holocaust-level torture. The loving parent image is a facade. It's really attempted murder what they did to me. 2011 wasn't a delusion. They're rapists.

Post 04:

I SUSPECT my psychopharmacologist. I didn't know. Though, he must've known my mother. They'd gaslight me, victim blame me, and basically got my biological father to murder his biological son with unnecessary cancer-causing medications. Their narrative was complete BULLSHIT!

Post 05:

My parents intentionally deprived me of a life and were getting sadistic sexual pleasure from my suffering. they're monstrous pedophiles worse than some of the evilest serial killers. They were PRETENDING to help me, but in secret, they were trying to give me the worst life ever.

Post 06:

My parents knew exactly what they were doing. They were trying to murder me while creating a facade they were helping. They're really rapists - monsters behind a mask. They got sadistic sexual pleasure from my suffewring. This is no delusion. It was Holocaust-level torture.

Post 07:

I feel like my parents have successfully given me cancer and a terminal illness. Time is running out for me. I need somebody to save me from sadistic sexual predators. They'll claim my death was an "accident" or "bad luck." Bullshit. It was INTENTIONALLY inflicted by them.

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