Thursday, October 20, 2022

Some Posts (10 19 12022 – 10 20 2022)

Post 01:

I don't want to jinx it... But the EoE MIGHT'VE been a dust allergy. Cross you fingers and hold your breath, but so far it hasn't been bothering me tonight after dusting today with my dad.

Post 02:

I want to apologize to everybody who has interacted with me recently. I've been so, so sick... Both physically with EoE and mentally. I have a good feeling better days are coming.

Post 03:

To my friends, I THINK the EoE was from dust on top of my refrigerator. Say a prayer I haven't developed any form of cancer, please, because it's had me in hell for about a year now. I was home all day long breathing the allergen. Thanks for all your prayers.

Post 04:

I have a good feeling things are going to get better with my physical health (EoE), it was a dust allergy I think. I was home all day long, in a filthy apartment, breathing allergins for a year. Please say a prayer no permanent, life-changing damage was done to body (like cancer)

Post 05:

I'm about ready to get into Catholicism or Christianity. I'm convinced God saved my life. I should be dead. Hopefully, he allows me to live for many more years to come. I don't want to die anytime soon and want to find happiness.

Post 06:

In complete seriousness, this is one of my happiest days in MONTHS. I don't feel like I'm sick and dying from EoE. I feel like my body is healing and healthy. I need to remember to dust from this moment going forward. Hopefully, no long-term damage was done to my body.

Post 07:

After feeling healthy for the first time in months, I got my camouflage hoodie out of the wash and I noticed the zipper fell off. Coincidence? Perhaps.

Post 08:

I don't know if that means I should retire Green Bunny or not? I want to continue with the concept, but also need to be respectful.

Post 09:

Guess what? Today was actually a good day. I'm in a good mood tonight. Not a bad day at all. Long overdue for some good news.

Post 10:

What should I be for Halloween this year? The Joker? Or maybe nothing at all. Halloween is everyday for me. I just have to be myself. :P

Post 11:

In high school, I used to watch all the scary shows like America's Most Wanted. But then I kind of got into more lighthearted entertainment, like comedy and professional wrestling. I don't like to watch dark and depressing things. Too much sadness in the world already.

Post 12:

Most mainstream Hollywood comedies suck. There's no edge to the jokes. They too afraid they'll offend someone. I hope you appreciate me as a comedian. I think I'm as good, if not better, than some of the top names. Some people don't like to laugh, which is too bad - great genre.

Post 13:

I think comedy sprinkled into serious movies is nice. A movie that's whole focus isn't being funny. But I also like an absurd, comedic, trainwreck with a buffoonish character from start to finish kind of idea. It has to be well written with brilliant jokes.

Post 14:

I'm gonna create a comedy with the intention to get YOU to hysterically laugh from start to finish at the absurdity of it to prove comedy can be an amazing genre if done right. Sadly, 99.9% of them aren't done right and are just money making, lifeless, corporate Hollywood movies.

Post 15:

I don't blame you. It's my parents who are at fault for our lack of relationship. Much like you're indifferent towards me and don't care, I'm indifferent towards you and have no desire for a relationship. Where were you my whole life? Now we're half-siblings? Go away!

Post 16:

I know we're half-siblings, but I don't connect with you, relate to you, and where have you been for my whole life? I don't blame you. I'll be nice. But I couldn't care less about trying to develop this relationship. If I meet a woman then I'll have nothing to do with you at all.

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