Saturday, October 29, 2022

Some Posts (10 29 2022)

October 29, 2022:

Post 01:

The only reason my father (Robert Koloski) gives a shit it's because of how bad it looks for him, not empathy, but it's true what he did. He's a sexual predator who got pleasure from my suffering. If dying from terminal illness, he'd probably get turned on knowing he did it to me

Post 02:

Sane people who understand the concept of empathy might feel bad for my father (Robert Koloski) because of how bad this looks for him, but you shouldn't feel bad. He's a psychopath who did it to himself. He didn't expect karma to expose that he's a sadistic sexual predator.

Post 03:

I certainly don't feel bad for my father and want revenge because of how cold his sadistic torture was. I probably have a terminal illness. It could have been avoided if he intervened and cared about me. He doesn't. Instead he turned me into a laughing stock with no dignity.

Post 04:

The mega regimen of psychiatric medications were unnecessary. My parents were gaslighting and victim blaming me, controlling my narrative to the psychopharmacologist. The doctors negligence from the medications I was FORCED to take have probably killed me. It was SADISTIC TORTURE

Post 05:

At the very least, my parents deserve federal prison for the rest of their lives for the unimaginable pain and suffering they put me through. I probably have cancer. It was ATTEMPTED MURDER. Sadly, I'll never be able to prove they were INTENTIONALLY torturing me.

Post 06:

Sadly, I'm still dependent on my SADISTIC PERSECUTORS. Will I ever be able to prove they're wearing a mask, the torture was INTENTIONAL, and they were trying to murder me. Though it's fact, if hypothetically there was a supreme court case, it'd be laughed out of court. Pipe dream

Post 07:

When I say my parents got SADISTIC SEXUAL PLEASURE from attempting to murder me with cancer, while creating a facade they loved me, that's no exaggeration or hyperbole. It turned them on sexually to see the torture and horror they were putting me through. They're sexual predators

Post 08:

If you were put through Holocaust-level torture by your parents for 35 years, your entire existence was just a pawn in their sick game, they were getting SADISTIC SEXUAL PLEASURE FROM YOUR SUFFERING FOR YOUR WHOLE LIFE. You'd be as insane as I am now. They drove me INSANE.

Post 09:

When it comes to vaccinations and psychiatric medications, doctors and medical experts say it's safe. To say otherwise it's spreading "medical misinformation." Do they really know 100% what it's doing to you long-term? They're not God. I didn't feel like I was dying in 2019.

Post 10:

People want you to accept the narrative of vaccines and psychiatric medications as fact. They don't like you to question the authority because they're the "expert." They'll suspend you for spreading "medical misinformation." Something has changed since 2019. I think it's medicine

Post 11:

It's important to use science and facts, not emotion and strong internal conviction, for your beliefs. However, if something seems fishy like it could be a problem, use common sense too. These medical "experts" aren't God. They could potentially kill you.

Post 12:

I'm pretty certain I'm sick and dying. There's no terminal illness diagnosis yet - only EoE. I have a physical in a week or two. Enjoy the last two weeks of ignorance because I'm SO SCREWED. I'm totally a dead man.

Post 13:

Before my unexpected and shocking death, I'll ask some confused dipshit: do you know why I'm an invincible superhero? He'll ask "why?" I want my last words to be, "because I always take my vitamins, say my prayers, and drink my milk." I'll die as a laughing stock with no dignity.

The conspiracy theory is Owen Hart "accidentally" (intentionally) tried to paralyze Stone Cold Steve Austin. So Vince McMahon "accidentally" dropped Owen from the ceiling. It's like people who think US Government is responsible for 9/11.

Though, he probably was in the dog house.

It's a definite possibility they were bullying Owen, tarring and feathering him because he injured the biggest star in the company. They were humiliating him as a laughing stock. I don't think they intentionally wanted to kill him, but they forced him to take an unnecessary risk.

Post 14:

I'm looking at a card you gave me for my birthday. It made me smile because I can feel the love in the words you wrote. Happier times. I think this is the end of my life. Maybe we should get together so I can say goodbye? If not, know I love you very much thanks for the memories.

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