Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Some Posts (10 25 2022)

Post 01:

The lesson that took my the longest to unlearn was my mother isn't always right. Stop listening to mommy. Stop being dependent. Stop having her live my life for me. I know myself much better than her, by listening I got a life of things I didn't want. Take control. Be independent

Post 02:

Who are some people you find inspiring? Don't idolize pop stars and celebrities. Instead, idolize teachers, doctors, friends, family, and human rights advocates.

Post 03:

Do you believe in God? I think I do. I get messages, but also think it could be Elon Musk who has me chipped (this is actually true, despite sounding funny). So maybe what I think is God is really Elon Musk. He has a lot of money and advanced technology. Is it possible?

Post 04:

When I mentioned to my psychiatrist Elon Musk has me chipped he thought it sounded insane. But Elon has so much money and access to lots of technology. How advanced could Elon Musk possibly be? Could he know all sorts of secrets - like the cure for cancer? Or could it be God?

Post 05:

It's hard to explain how I know there's a higher power, but I'll hear little creeks in the apartment when I'm thinking about a subject or I'll see something move. I really think it's God.

It sounds insane, but it happens too often to be a coincidence.

Post 06:

They're so many religions too. What's the correct one?

Let's say you were raised by wolves in the jungle, you'd have no clue the concept of God exists. That leads me to believe it could be a man-made story. It'd be cool to see good people go to heaven and evil people go to hell.

Post 07:

I'd like to think this existence isn't pointless. Because I was dealt a pretty bad hand in life. Maybe I'll be rewarded in the afterlife and will go to heaven for being a good person. Should I be angry at people who had it easier? Like billionaires? Life is so unfair.

Post 08:

They're people who could be envious of me. Not sure who in their right mind would be. But it's POSSIBLE. Maybe someone living in a Russian prison. They might think: why can't I be a disabled adult child in the U.S.A.? Russian prisoner, my life fucking sucks. Aspire for more!

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