Friday, October 28, 2022

Some Posts (10 27 12022 – 10 28 2022)

Post 01:

Spoiler alert: I'm probably dying from terminal illness (cancer?).

I'm getting a physical and blood work in early November. I'll enjoy my last week or two of ignorance.

Ignorance is bliss. I'll be in denial about it for now.

But my life is probably over.

Post 02:

I'm screwed in so many different ways. First off, I'm probably sick and dying from a terminal illness. But that's just scratching the surface into how fucked I am. You're probably witnessing the final days of my life. Hopefully, time isn't running out for me - but it totally is.

Post 03:

I know you'll stick by me until the very end even if I'm dying from terminal illness, much like I'd stick by you. Cancer and watching people die isn't fun. It would be nice if we could play in Hollywood movies together. Hopefully, that's our future. But my fate is probably death.

Post 04:

I need help so badly - in so many different ways. I think finding my soulmate girlfriend is what I NEED to fix me. Having a friend I see constantly. That might make me temporarily feel better. But frankly, I'm so fucked and the end is coming. I SUSPECT I have a terminal illness.

Post 05:

I'm very loud, intense, and HUNGRY at the moment. A lot of women are scared to be around me because of my INTENSITY. I'm a good guy. I have a good heart. I'm a nice person. I just fucked myself up and am very desperate for friendship after months and years of solitude.

Post 06:

Maybe I need to recover by developing friendships with men I'm not attracted to, then from there slowly, and calmly start socializing with women I'm attracted to more. I desperately need recovery, help, and intervention. I want a girlfriend too badly. I need to calm the fuck down

Post 07:

The problem is I need mental health recovery, but I also SUSPECT I'm sick and dying from terminal illness. Time is running out for me. Should they overwhelm me with massive riches and fame if I have a year to live? Or will I end up like a sober Kurt Cobain from Nirvana?

Post 08:

When you've been deprived of a life for so long and were living in a solitary fantasyland then start having fun, you'll be having the time of your life because your past was such hell. I need to calm the fuck down and not get overjoyed by simple and ordinary human interactions.

Post 09:

I give off a vibe that I'm having too much fun doing shit that's boring to everybody else and it's GENUINE. It's because my past was torturous and unfun. I need to be careful I don't get overwhelmed with joy from massive riches and fame and have a nervous breakdown. I'm fragile.

Post 10:

People are like: "I realize your past was torturous and sucked badly, but calm down Andrew. You just had a fun art class with people in the psych ward, you were not performing a legendary show at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Don't get so excited over something simple."

Post 11:

Everyone around me is acting like it's a good thing Elon Musk owns Twitter. Maybe it is. Some say it couldn't have been worse, at least now it'll be politically neutral. What's his vision? Does he have one? To be a big tech giant like Google? Or did he just buy it for the comedy?

Post 12:

Hey you, yes YOU. I'm not sure where you're located, but if you're close to NY and wanted to hangout sometime, I think it could be fun. I don't know why I ASSUME and BELIEVE you see this. Maybe you've been following me on the sly since 2013 and I had no clue. Lol.

Post 13:

I'm dead serious. I need your help badly. Please don't leave me another day like this. This suffering has to be killing me. As my friend, I beg you to help.

Post 14:

I THOUGHT you cared about me and still want to believe you do... Maybe I need to accept you don't anymore, or at least not as much as I'd like you to. You have no idea how badly I'm doing and you're nowhere to be found. I believed you when you said I could count on you.

Post 15:

Come on! It's time for fun. I hope what I SUSPECT about your past isn't true - that you were involved with a billionaire prior to meeting me. Even if it is, I need help and you're the only one who understands me at the moment. You're the only one who can help me at my lowest.

Post 16:

If you were involved with a billionaire, I won't be happy about it, but I'm so desperate and HUNGRY. You're the only one I trust to help me. I want to see you again and have fun, to share happy memories and love. This solitude and extreme frustration has to end. Please help me!

Post 17:

When it comes to your past and people you may have been involved with - assuming it's one of the richest men in the world - SO WHAT! I'm am upset that everyone was having fun while I was suffering. Also, I could be sick and dying. I just want to experience your genuine love again

Post 18:

If you were involved with one of the richest men in the world, I don't know why I want to vilify and shame you for it. Maybe it's because I feel lied to and humiliated that I didn't know your big secret. I want to feel I'm special to you, but I was alone while you were having fun

Post 19:

If I wasn't so attached to you I wouldn't care you were involved with one of the richest men in the world prior to meeting me. If it was some acquaintance or friend, I couldn't care less and would be non-judgmental. With you, because we were lovers I feel lied to and jealous.

Post 20:

Even if what I SUSPECT is true, you were involved with one of the richest men in the world and kept it secret from me. That doesn't change the fun and love we shared. I still consider you my best friend. I didn't tell you about my past relationships, but they weren't billionaires

Post 21:

It's POSSIBLE I could be dying. If I get a terminal illness diagnosis in a week or two. I won't care about your past and who you may have been involved with. I'll want to give you a hug, cry, and say goodbye to my best friend. Please say a prayer for my health because I'm sick.

Post 22:

I love and miss you. Please don't ever make fun of me or put me down in any way. Stick up for me no matter what and I'll do the same for you. Yes, I've said and done things that were humiliating, don't shame me for them. As your best friend I'll always be on your side.

Post 23:

To the social media model I'm following who hides her face. Yes, you're very attractive, have a fun personality, seem intelligent and classy. But there's something completely insane about what you're doing. Don't get we wrong, I'd love to date you, but yeah, it's crazy. :P

Post 24:

What I SUSPECT about her and the billionaire is true. At the moment, she's my ex-girlfriend so it shouldn't matter. Obviously, she's going to return and won't be an ex much longer. The billionaire knows exactly who I am. Rather than vilify and shame her, maybe I need to accept it

Post 25:

Hey you, yes YOU. I notice you're an artist. Maybe you should start creating a comic book about a buffoonish superhero, like Green Bunny. Who knows, maybe they'll make Hollywood movies about your character until the end of time, kind of like Spider-Man. But start creating artwork

Post 26:

They say New York City is the city that never sleeps, but that's not true. Try walking around Central Park at 3 am. That's a bad idea and a recipe for disaster.

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