Monday, October 10, 2022

Some Posts (10 10 2022)

Post 01:

If anybody cares about me and doesn't want me to die, I'm totally dying from the air in my apartment, I needed help months ago. But do something ASAP. When I get a terminal illness diagnosis very soon don't say I haven't been repeatedly warning for weeks, and weeks, and weeks.

Post 02:

I literally feel like I'm dying. It's from contaminated air in my apartment. I realize I need to handle to adult responsibilities, not my parents... But if I prove I'm incapable, which I may have, because I'm literally dying. Are they just going to leave to die in solitude?

Post 03:

This is no exaggeration. This is no hyperbole. I'm fucking dying and nobody is intervening or gives a shit. They do nothing while I'm LITERALLY DYING.

Post 04:

I SUSPECT my parents are sadistic monsters who want to give me cancer and the worst things imaginable. They PRETEND like they're helping. The truth is they tortured, and continue to torture me. I'm certain that I'm dying. It was worse than murder. At least murder can be quick.

Post 05:

Sadly, I'm dependent on psychopaths, SADISTIC "serial killers." Not that they do anything besides leave me in solitude to literally die physically and mentally. Still, I have no financial freedom. I have no power. They're trying to kill me while creating a facade they aren't.

Post 06:

I'm 35 years old. It's my responsibility to take control of my life and stop blaming my parents for neglecting me. I'm not handling adult responsibilities. It's gonna to result in terminal illness, if it hasn't already. I need somebody to help RIGHT THIS SECOND. I'm dying.

Post 07:

Nobody ever wants to help. They'd rather watch somebody die than intervene and save a life. It's too hard to do the right thing. It's easier to turn a blind eye, collect a paycheck from the victim blamers, and watch the victim die from the psychopaths torturing him.

Post 08:

If parents are SADISTICALLY TORTURING a child, most psychopharmacologists and psychiatrists would rather listen to the parents bullshit narrative, over medicare, chemically lobotomize, and knowingly contribute to the torture, instead of actually saving somebody's life.

Post 09:

My psychopharmacologists is like a lawyer who knew his client was guilty and it resulted in somebody innocent going to jail. He listened to my parents victim blaming and over-medicated. He knew the truth about my parents. He was willfully blind and was collecting their paycheck.

Post 10:

In hindsight it's easy for my psychopharmacologist to say "I didn't know." But he did know. What he means was he never thought I was capable of exposing my parents sadistic torture and thought my life was doomed. All he wanted to do was collect a massive paycheck from my parents.

Post 11:

Stop getting overtaken with emotion and say my psychopharmacologist, psychiatrists, and parents want to murder me. But my apartment air is making me sick, giving me EoE, and everyone is saying it's hypochondriasis. It's not. I've been in here, solitary, all day long for months.

Post 12:

If anybody gives a shit about me... I'm fucking dying from my filthy apartment and everyone is saying to me "there's no problem." They're going to neglect me. Continue to believe there's no problem. I'm going to wind up with a terminal illness. I wish somebody would save my life.

Post 13:

In COMPLETE SERIOUSNESS, even if their neglect isn't intentional torture... I'm literally dying in here. No exaggeration. The EoE is from the disgusting apartment. I need to be saved. I wasted so much time in this "gas chamber" already. Frankly, I've probably already got cancer.

Post 14:

If anybody gives a shit about me and doesn't want to watch me die, I can't empathize enough this is not the boy who cried wolf. This is the wolf. My parents will continue to act like there are no problems, are literally going to let me die. SOMEONE, ANYONE, INTERVENE! SAVE ME!

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