Thursday, November 3, 2022

Some Posts (11 02 2022 – 11 03 2022)

November 2, 2022:

Post 01:

Fun fact, the Tanner Park (02 05 2017) photos were taken on Super Bowl Sunday, shortly before the game where Tom Brady and the New England Patriots were losing "28–3" and came back with determination and won the game "34-28".

Post 02:

That's the name of my iconic The Beatles "Abbey Road" album that they were making fun of at the time - Tanner Park - and use the crosswalk photos. I'll call my brilliant album something else and use some artwork for the cover. For the rubbish years compilation maybe call it that.

Post 03:

They say the best things in life are natural and free, like drinking a glass of water when you're thirsty is better than paying $8 for Starbucks or a Twitter verification checkmark. But we still find a way to bottle water and put a price on it.

Post 04:

I've have evolved out of pro wrestling and matured, but I enjoyed watching it in my childhood. I was obsessed with it. I still like it. If someone wanted to go to a WWE show - I'd go. Do I watch it much anymore? No, not really.

Post 05:

It's ok to grow out of something you once liked and evolve as a person.

Post 06:

Some people can't handle me evolving as a person. They want me to like the same things I liked when I was 18 years old. They take it personally too. I'm a 35 year old man. Like Brian Wilson, I'm done writing surfin' songs, I want to write Pet Sounds. They understand that analogy

Post 07:

I honestly don't know why people are keeping up the facade that I'm a loser, what are they waiting for? Better mental health? So I don't go insane when I become extremely rich and famous? Which is totally going to happen. Why not just tell me the truth about how brilliant I am?

Post 08:

I'm so good you can't even pretend I'm not anymore. Like I'm better than all of the celebrities and entertainers. I'm such an interesting guy. I like Brock Lesnar - but you can't even pretend you're more interested in Brock Lesnar or Taylor Swift's artwork. It's total bullshit.

November 3, 2022:

Post 01:

Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good.

Post 02:

They say failure to plan is planning to fail. Hopefully somebody has a plan because this could easily become a trainwreck very quickly if nobody does. I'm ASSUMING that I'm in a simulation and my posts aren't public at the moment. Or maybe the simulation SUSPICION is a delusion?

Post 03:

I'm sorry that I made myself so good and there's nobody even close to my level. Basically, I made myself the Michael Phelps of social media posts. By obsessively practicing every single day, all day long, and being genetically gifted - nobody's even close to my level, sadly.

Post 04:

I've made myself so unbelievably good that I almost feel guilty about what an amazing performer I am because nobody can compare. I'm better than the very top of the entertainment and art industry. Now it's time to pay me the big bucks.

Post 05:

I hope this turns feel-good quickly and doesn't get dark. I hope people don't mock me for the lost time in a solitary fantasyland - while they were all enjoying life. Let's say my dad starts taunting me about all the lies and gaslighting. I could potentially go INSANE. Seriously!

Post 06:

This is like The Sopranos. This is like Breaking Bad. This is like Star Wars. This is like Batman. No this is real life, your delusional mother fuckers, not a sensationalistic movie. I dare you to tell me the truth about your lies because it won't end feel-good Hollywood for you.

Post 07:

Yeah, I think when bun bun returns I'll be much happier. I'm not sure if she's on my level or not. She keeps her power level secret. I suspect her power level is through the roof. I still love you, bun bun, even though you no longer say "love you" to me.

Post 08:

Nobody gives me hugs, love, or any warmth, not my parents, I don't have a girlfriend. Everyone is so cold to me and has been for what feels like forever. Are they intentionally cold to torture me? Or just shit parents?

Post 09:

I'm going to dispute the narrative about Chris Benoit, that losing the only friend who truly understood him - Eddie Guerrero, drove him crazy. A lot of people experience loss, trauma, feel cold, alone, empty, and broken... But don't turn into a homicidal maniac. That's not normal

Using the logic that losing Eddie Guerrero is why Chris Benoit committed a double-murder suicide... Yes, losing loved ones who genuinely understand you is very traumatic. The worst thing in life. By that logic, Kevin Nash is about to go crazy after losing his son and Scott Hall.

To me, it sounds like Chris Benoit was an INTENSE loner. Eddie Guerrero had a traumatic life too, was empathetic, and listened to him like a therapist - comforted him. Then when Eddie died in 2005, Benoit probably felt alone and unheard. Still no excuse.

Post 10:

Since I am very funny, I think people were expecting me to be a harsh comedy critic, pretentious, and elitist, but they were surprised to learn I'm very silly and laugh at everything. Even atrocious jokes. If you give off good energy and I'm having fun - I'll laugh.

Post 11:

Even if you're torturing me at the moment by depriving me of your love, I believe you know what you're doing, and we'll be together soon enough. Miss you.

Post 12:

Am I extremely lucky I found you? Or extremely unlucky? Probably very lucky. Actually, it's not probably. Nobody is this lucky. I found my soulmate. I'm not sure how rich you are - but I'm assuming it's very wealthy.

Post 13:

The truth is in so many ways I don't know what I'm doing and need you to educate me. I don't know why I ASSUME you're brilliant and know a lot more than I do about so many things. Maybe because it's true. Help me evolve and give me your wisdom. I simply don't understand.

Post 14:

I'm told nobody can actually read your mind, we can try to mentalize, but mind reading technology doesn't exist. Sometimes I feel what's on my mind is obvious. Then if somebody acknowledges it, I can feel emotionally naked and embarrassed. I like when people are oblivious.

Post 15:

I know the joke is we're bunnies because we're fucking crazy and flawed, but we're also good people with hearts of gold. We are kind of like an adorable bunny couple. Miss you.

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